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    Get More Done and Boost Profits with This 3-Step Process for Hiring Help

    Get More Done and Boost Profits with This 3-Step Process for Hiring Help

    Reader Comments (23)

    1. “Don’t be afraid of offending anyone” – that’s definitely my problem. There are many people to outsource to, but not everyone puts a lot of effort into what they do, which can result in subpar work. The problem is they DID work, and I feel like when I criticize their work, even if it is constructive criticism, I’m criticizing them and hurting their feelings. That’s something I need to work on so that I’m paying for good work, not subpar work.

      • Thanks for your comment, Kari! As you can tell, I’m right there with you. But if you start being *reasonably* demanding, you’ll find that service providers understand and usually want to make you happy. That’s been the case with me since the launch team debacle! 🙂

    2. This is funny that you write this as I was literally just thinking yesterday that I need to start hiring out some of the “tedious” work that I do, so I can focus on the bigger stuff that means more…clearly this is a sign for me to do so, thank you so much!

    3. Hello Linda,

      Want to ask your advice on something: I would hire a cleaning service in a heart beat. My wife doesn’t want to do that. I personally think she feels like that’s her responsibility, but of course I don’t want her doing everything, so I end up spending time helping out.

      I think we both would benefit from outsourcing housecleaning. Any advice on how to convince her? 🙂



      • Hi, Matthew! If your wife likes to do the cleaning herself, that’s one thing — I actually really, really enjoy cleaning so it’s not a crazy idea! (In fact, I’d LOVE to get some home cleaning gigs myself. Heck, I literally *wrote the book* on cleaning!)

        However, if you think your wife is suffering through cleaning the house out of a sense of responsibility and you want to relieve her of that burden, maybe ask if she’d agree to try a cleaner just one time?

        The first time they come, cleaners typically do an extra-thorough job to get the home up to their standard for future cleanings, and when you arrive home you can really see and feel the difference — even if your home is normally pretty clean! It even smells good. That might win her over…I know it did for me!

    4. Excellent post Linda I am right there with you. We need to be working towards an outsourced lifestyle. The more we can outsource the faster we can build our business and have a better quality of life

    5. Great article. I am in the team coaching space and as Marcus Buckingham says the highest performing teams are those teams where the individuals get to play/work according to their strengths most of the time. People who try to do everything end up draining themselves and you’ve said, end up not delivering their best work.

      One thing I could maybe recommend is that before making a hiring decision, is doing an assessment like the Clifton StrengthsFinder and then discussing with your potential new employee how their role in your team would allow them to play according to their strengths. People end up feeling valued when they know that you are interested in their development and they will end up going the extra mile for you. Another plus is that they will be doing their best work if they are functioning in the areas of their strengths. Truly a win-win situation.

      I think as a leader and visionary it is essential to carry with yourselves a strong sense of self-awareness. This both helps you to do better at your job, and also leads to other-awareness which makes people want to be around you.

      • Interesting! I wonder whether if that’s also an effective strategy when you’re not hiring an actual employee, but outsourcing…hiring virtual assistants, graphic designers, etc.?

    6. informative article Linda. Thank you so much such great story. i would like to share with my colleagues. there is simple and easy step to get more conversion.

    7. Great article Linda, I definitely enjoy “control” but realize that I am probably wasting time controlling too many things when I could be more focused elsewhere. I hesitate because of paying others, but I suppose that I could make more money as well being more focused. Either way, your article gets me to think more about it so thank you so much!

    8. I definitely use this strategy to my advantage in the food industry. It took me a long time to let go of the “control” as someone else mentioned, but our company is much more profitable because of this. Great article Linda.

    9. I honestly just randomly found this article and post. Great points Linda. I have a construction company and have let go of a lot of tasks to hired help. It was so necessary for me to grow.

    10. I think, you cover up here all the material which required to hire a team. Thanks Linda for it 🙂 Stay happy, Cheers!

    11. Hi Linda,

      You have written this article at a very right time. Today I was thinking to outsource some of my work so that I can focus on new projects and luckily found your post. I must say this is helpful to figure out what to outsource and what not.

    12. Needed this today. Like many solo-trepreneurs I suffer from a lack of willingness to give up responsibility of tasks (even the ones I don’t particularly enjoy). And even though it’s at the detriment of long term biz dev. Gonna start asking around my network tomorrow 😉

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