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    How to Consistently Attract High-Quality Traffic to Your Site

    How to Consistently Attract High-Quality Traffic to Your Site

    Reader Comments (37)

    1. Hi Sonia,

      You guys are great. I’m already on the list but will the recordings be made available if we can’t show up for the live show?

      • Yes, I’ll add links to recordings after we wrap it up. We will be doing some live Q&A, though, so if you can make it live that’s great.

        • Unfortunately I won’t be near a computer on the 25th because it’s a school holiday and I have kidlets to watch. So having the webinar recording and any supporting documents available for download would be incredibly useful.

    2. ” That’s why we’re holding a free webinar next Monday, April 25, on How to Attract the Right Customers To Your Business.” – Sonia Simone, CopyBlogger

      I will be attending the webinar. I’m in!

      I know you guys cry and bury your heads in the sand when we praise you. All the same, I’m going to make you cry one more time. I love CopyBlogger so much my girlfriend calls me all sorts of names, Brian Clark’s devotee, CopyBlogger Shite, fanatic and ….

      Guess what? You produce great content and lots of great products.

      I’m in for life!

      • Ha, that’s funny.

        If it makes you feel better the first time Brian Clark met me, he made fun of the “shrine to Seth” that was my personal blog. Which, of course, it was. 🙂

    3. Ah yes, the age old traffic problem… story of my life… Having just launched two brand new websites, traffic is exactly what I need… 😉
      See you on the other end…

    4. The “right” traffic says it all. This notion has to be reinforced often. It’s all about low bounce rate and whether your visitors stuck around because they found what they were looking for.

    5. I agree that you need to generate the right kind of traffic in order to grow your blog. I have two blogs, and from time to time, I get spikes of traffic that are generated both organically and through referral sites. After the spike, however, the traffic returns to normal, and I see little growth from the visitors during the spiking periods. It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that you have to attract the right kind of visitors in order to retain them. Good article! Thanks.

      • That’s a great point — if you’re getting lots of eyeballs but they don’t stick around, you have a problem. That’s something we plan to cover in more depth in the second webinar.

    6. Love what you’ve done with the site, although I already miss the old Authority Rules. But very cool what you have going on. Looking forward to the webinars.

    7. I agree Ebuka. They do “produce great content and lots of great products” and I am in for life too. I have not even broke the tip of all that is offered here!

      I so happy I stumbled on Copyblogger. Believe it or not, it was only 3 days ago. What is here is exactly what I needed and didn’t even know that something like it existed. I just finished reading “5 Crippling Beliefs” by Jon Morrow and said wow at least 5+ times. I am eager to learn more so that I may become the best writer I am able to and perhaps dream out load that I may make a living doing so, now that is out there! Meanwhile off I go to learn more and…
      thank you Sonia, I am looking forward to your webinar series. I am glad to be here.

      • I’ll tell you a secret — a couple of years ago I was a big old Copyblogger fan girl. 🙂 I read the blog every day, commented lots, stuck around, got involved, and I learned everything I could.

        So yeah, when I promote something of ours, it’s because I’m still a fan girl. 🙂

    8. My oversite and mistake. I did not mention how good your article “How to Consistently Attract High-Quality
      Traffic to Your Site” was and how it lead me to be here. I am looking forward to learning more. Thank you Sonia.

    9. I just signed up for the webinar and printed the “10 Rock Solid Elements of Effective Online Marketing”. Excited to learn more about building an effective online presence.

      See you there!

    10. Is the time for the webinair already set or will it be sent with the email notification? I live in Germany and it’s a holiday, also with a child, so I have to plan this very carefully. 🙂 Looking forward!

    11. Hi Sonia,

      Any plans to “gather” all those webinars on your site for “offline” view for those who didn’t attend?

      Thanks and good luck!

      • I doubt they’ll ever be posted here on Copyblogger, but go ahead and register even if you can’t make the live date, we’ll make something work for you. 🙂

    12. Sonia,

      I tried to attend the webinar on my Ipad, but I couldn’t. (I installed the Gotomeeting app for Ipad and I have iOS 3.2 installed).

      I am very sorry that I missed the webinar because I really wanted to participate. Will the replay be available?

      • Svetlana, sure thing, we’ll send links to a replay page for each of the three — as long as you’re signed up at AuthorityRules.com you’ll get everything.

    13. Hey Guys … sat in on today’s webinar … loved it. Missed Monday’s though. How can I get a link to an audio file? Thanks! Doug

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