Saying that the Internet isn’t working for us is like saying the solar system isn’t working for us.
It’s our job to learn how it works, and then learn to be smart about working with its nature.
In this episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, host Sonia Simone talks about some lessons she has learned from being on the social web for 26 years now. Which is, yes, a pretty darned long time to spend fooling around on the Internet.
In this 28-minute episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, host Sonia Simone talks about:
- Why “digital sharecropping” is so dangerous
- Why you don’t own the conversation — and how you can benefit from it, if you’re smart
- Why outrage is like meth
- How the room is bigger than you think it is
- Why everything on the web becomes 100 percent visible just at the moment you don’t want it to be
- Why you should never get into a flame war (but what to do if you need to defend yourself)
- Why personality matters, but train wrecks die broke
- How to use natural disasters or other terrible events in your marketing (spoiler: You don’t)
- The awesome way that social media can make you a much, much better writer (or artist, or musician, or whatever you happen to be)
Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer on iTunes
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