Humanity has lived through many uncertain periods in our collective history.
Economic instability, institutional racism, war, famine, environmental disasters, slavery, abject poverty, disease, physical and mental abuse — we’ve seen it all, and we’re still here to tell the tale.
We’re a resilient bunch, it turns out.
The good news? Some of our most game-changing inventions and ideas were born during uncertain times.
We choose the entrepreneur’s life because we actually prefer uncertainty to boring, repetitive, predictable certainty.
Still though … you may feel like your entrepreneurial can-do approach to life and business is being tested right now. (If so — welcome to the club. Most people I know are experiencing this to some degree.)
Let’s look at how we can embrace uncertainty and find our entrepreneurial mojo again.
1. Acknowledge that entrepreneurship is a scary path to take
It’s not a straight path. It’s not a predictable path. But it’s not a boring path, either.
That’s why we take it, right?
If we wanted a reliable, steady job, we wouldn’t have signed up for this journey.
Entrepreneurs feel the fear of the unknown and we march straight toward it. With chins up and smiles on our faces, scanning the horizon, looking for what’s next.
2. Accept that there is no single map to show the way
There are a few fundamentals in business:
- Listen to your prospects and customers, and allow them to guide what you offer (and how you offer it)
- Build products and services that meet their expressed needs — and fulfill their unexpressed desires
- Keep your costs and risk low by delivering a minimal solution and expanding on it based on feedback from customers
For online-based businesses, add these extra steps:
- Build your email list starting today
- Deliver helpful, useful, engaging information to build trust, authority, and traffic
The life of an entrepreneur has too many variables for us to have a single map that works for everyone. How the steps above are implemented and the precise results they’ll achieve is dependent on too many factors to predict the outcome.
And that makes the journey interesting, doesn’t it?
3. Stay open to unexpected results
Life’s twists and turns happen when you least expect them. Just look at public elections and referendums around the world in 2016 in case you need examples.
When you bring it down to a personal level, though, can you think of examples where you set out in a specific direction only to veer off on a tangent that took you to places you couldn’t have imagined?
Here’s a recent example from my life:
- A year ago, I decided to write a book.
- I asked my friend Jeff Goins for advice.
- He said he’d advise me, but we should record the sessions — and the Zero to Book podcast was born.
- On one of the podcast episodes, he shared a story about an author who built a community around his book project.
- I built The Book Factory — a community of 900+ beta readers.
- The book launched to great reviews — many of them from members of the community.
It was a long and winding road that took me in directions I didn’t anticipate. But I wouldn’t change a thing.
When you try to spell out your path in advance, you may miss the random miracles that happen along the way.
So set a direction — but then stay open to what appears along your path as you march ahead.
4. Recognize that you make the map as you walk the path
You’re reading this post because I recently heard a line in a song I hadn’t heard in many years. It’s in Spanish (don’t worry: translation below). My favorite line in the song says:
“Caminante, no hay camino — se hace camino al andar.”
Which translates to:
“Traveler, there is no path — you make the path as you walk it.”
(It’s more poetic in Spanish!)
Here’s how I interpret this:
Your actions — your steps forward — move you along your path. But you don’t know where the path is until you walk it.
The only way to find the path is to walk the path.
So despite uncertain times and our own shaky faith, the only way we can find our way is to move forward.
The only way to discover your path is to walk it, step by courageous step.
5. Appreciate that the path is as individual as the people who walk it
Be honest: would you really want to be handed a prescribed course of action where all you had to do was implement it?
Boring, right?
The path is more interesting when you appreciate your own individual twists and turns.
Your twists will be different from mine. You write your story with every step you wander up, down, and sideways (those sideways steps are the best, aren’t they?).
How to become the hero of your story
What’s a story without conflict and challenges? It’s not a story I’d want to read — and not a story I’d want to live.
The way you become the hero of your personal entrepreneurial journey is to face down challenges and persevere.
This is the common thread I’ve seen woven through all the Hero’s Journey stories I’ve featured here on Copyblogger.
Uncertain times happen to all of us. Our paths aren’t prescribed or predictable. Even so, we walk ahead — embracing uncertainty and forging our paths like the heroes we are.
What’s your hero’s journey?
Reader Comments (18)
My motto
‘always moving forward’
Reminds me the path I’ve faced before. Some bad and some good. Well take it as a challenge – journey to success. ?
Muhamad, that’s the way it is! One foot in front of the other, moving forward all the time. Thanks for the comment.
Indeed entrepreneurship is a very scary path to take. There’s no easy way or shortcut path. Each step needs to be taken with all your might, dedication, commitment, and most importantly perseverance. Your journey depends on you. Your journey, your path.
“Se hace camino al andar” sounds like an enduring principle to me.
I really enjoyed reading the spanish poet Antonio Machado in the post.
Here is a more complete piece of that poem if you are interested:
Walker, your footprints are
the path and nothing more;
walker, there is no path,
the path is made when walking.
When walking the path is made
and when looking back
you see the path that never
has to be walked again.
Walker, there is no path,
but trails in the sea…
This great poem was very well sung by Joan Manuel Serrat
Gabriel (from the end of the Camino de Santiago, in Spain)
Thanks for sharing more of the poem, Gabriel. It’s not an easy one to translate! I think I like the original best.
I linked to the Serrat version of the song in the post: love that version.
Thanks for your comment!
My pleasure, Pamela!
I agree, Amar: fail small so you can win big!
Entrepreneurship is a path which have lots of ups and downs. But one can reach it with dedication, commitment and passions.
It is the passion and commitment which makes a person go through all the ups and downs.
This is really inspirational.
I have found that being an entrepreneur has tremendous upside and at other times can be a lonely path. I broke free from corporate life about eight years ago and I will never go back. It has charted a new path not just for me but for my children as well. Having a vision and the determination (sometimes desperation) to succeed and been my most valuable asset. Where do you feel like entrepreneurs in their process to to succeed.
Thanks for the post
I like these ideas and I agree with them. Speaking about “entrepreneurship is a scary path” – actually life is a scary path. And if you scared everything and do nothing, you don’t live.
I am agree with you. Life is scary, and entrepreneurship is only a part of it. whether we’re being entrepreneur or not, it’s still scary. The first thing we need to get on top is doing our first step.
I am a child of the 80s, when I was a kid the Choose Your Own Adventure books were everywhere. I devoured them. I loved being able to make choices and make my own plot, even if it meant a bad decision. Even if I was caught by monsters and forced to start all over again. This is what entrepreneurship feels like.
That’s the perfect analogy, MacKenzie!
This is really inspirational for every age group
my hero’s journey
-write content on my blog
-wait for the Certified Content Program to reopen next year, I hope
-Join Authority once I’ve saved enough
-move from apprentice to mastery in content marketing
-teach what I’ve learned to my sidekick
-write a book and thank Pamela W. at the end
Hehe. What a story.
Thanks Pamela for this post.
Great post Pam.
I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life.
Hit some great highs, some big lows,
best of all, I own my time.
Owning your time is HUGE, Barry. And the highs and lows keep it interesting, don’t they?
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