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    Snag this Content Marketing Course from Brian Clark

    Snag this Content Marketing Course from Brian Clark

    Reader Comments (37)

    1. Wow. I rarely comment on things but I just took a look at the free course and it is really terrific. Much better than what my idea of a free course would be! Thank you so much! You have really raised the bar on quality for free content.

      • The Daily Success Deals folks truly created this with everything that a paid course would have — and I’m sure it will sell at full price as well. It has to be worth your time, after all, and that’s more valuable than your money.

    2. I have been reading copy blogger for a while and just got Michael Port’s book so i am looking forward to checking out the course > thanks

    3. I was really excited when I saw this was free. But, when I go to the site, you have to be a member to access it and there’s no place to “sign up.” Perhaps I’m missing something?

    4. This is excelent, thanks. The workbook is a great way to help you actually implement what you are learning. I think this is a missing link for many of us when we are reading books and blogs.

      I’ve just started with the first video but it seems like a warm up for the Internet Marketing for Smart People course?

      I run a group on LinkedIn – Online Marketing for Special Needs Services and I’ve already recommended this there. I know they’ll benefit from it as I know they will benefit from all things Copyblogger! Because I did and am.

      Thanks Michael and Brian
      P.S. If you are a consultant or run any kind of business where you need to bring in clients (professional speaker, etc.) then I highly recommend Michael’s book: “Book Yourself Solid.” It also has an excellent workbook.

    5. Does access to this material end after four days ? Or do we maintain free access after the sign up period has lapsed ? In other words, is it always free if we sign up today ? As I am immanently launching my blog, this is very fortunate timing for me….

    6. Thanks from me too! A fantastic offer that’s going to be hugely beneficial to us – and anyone involved in online marketing! And FREE for the first 4 days! I can’t believe how much Copyblogger gives out almost every day. An absolute goldmine of info, advice and expert help for Writers and Small business Marketers alike… (Ok, I’m a Copywriter, running the ‘Write2Profit’ Writer’s Website, and used to promoting products and services – but these comments are absolutely genuine). Copyblogger is a fantastic service that over-delivers to the benefit of us all, time after time. Thanks again!

    7. I can’t tell you folks how grateful I am to be a copyblogger subscriber. I’ve learned a tone from you but today’s gift is priceless especially that I am launching a new blog and I am sure this video, audio and text course will help me a great deal.
      I had to say thank you before starting to read the course but I already learned one valuable tip: Cater to people’s different learning styles by offering video, audio and text. As for the workbook, it is awesome!
      Thanks a million for always empowering copywriters (and cartoonists!) to cashin their passion 🙂

    8. Learning how to write and learning what people want to read is the greatest skill any business or person with a message should want to know. The copywriters of the world should be happy that more skilled voices are right around the corner to enlighten us all.

    9. Is the ‘vast piles of cash’ in addition to the pile of unmarked bills that were also sent?
      Thanks for this Brian and Michael 🙂

        • It was an awesome webinar Sonia. Thank you and Jon.
          I will wake up at any hour to listen to yourself, Brian, Chris B and G and Jon.
          I may fall asleep whilst doing the weeding this arvo though but it’s a price I’m happy to pay 🙂

      • I listened to all the lessons this morning and I absolutely enjoyed it.
        Brian, you are so fascinating to listen to and Michael’s questions set up a really interesting conversation.

        Thanks for letting us have a look at them for free.

    10. I’ve been reading Copyblogger for a long time now but became a true fan when I got the Premise plugin. Since then I don’t miss a word, when I saw how much you gave away with that plugin. And now this! I didn’t think twice before I grabbed it 🙂

    11. I’ve already signed up and started the daily deals course…I’m as giddy as a kid on Christmas! Just when I least expect it…you guys knock my socks off. The way I feel about copyblogger is the way I want people to feel about my business. I seriously love you guys. I’m such a fan, I need to have “I <3 Copyblogger” t-shirts made! Thanks for all the hard work you put in day in and day out.

    12. Thanks for making this free for a while. I’ve grabbed it and will be using it in my own business, which will be incorporated in the next couple of weeks—really exciting! I’ve shared this page on Twitter, G+ and FB in the meantime. Cheers!

    13. Copyblogger is has now become my homepage. Each day there is something new to learn.
      Thanks a lot for this amazing free course. Sonia & Brian – You guys rock!

    14. Thanks for giving this course for free. The mp3 are the best of it because I can drive around while listening to this great stuff.
      Best regards!

    15. Free and it can help. Why would I not. Thank you for sharing. Copy writing is one of the most difficult and done-wrong things companies do. Nice to see someone trying to help.

    16. So glad I found this! Writing copy is one of the hardest things for me. This one is exactly what I’ve been thinking about “The one attitude that gives you an advantage over all your competition”

    17. I definitely want this! The link takes me to Daily Success Deals. Entering my email and clicking “go” doesn’t do anything. Signing in (I’m already a member) also doesn’t produce anything–I click on Today’s Deal and there’s nothing there. Help!

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