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    Use This Step-by-Step Guide to Feel Confident and Connected at a Conference

    Use This Step-by-Step Guide to Feel Confident and Connected at a Conference

    Reader Comments (20)

    1. Thank you very much for this valuable information. As a historian & tour guide who attends to some local archaeological conferences, i can benefit from this article.

    2. Hi Raubi!

      I wish I read this before I attended my first conference solo a few weeks ago. I was so nervous and really kept to myself, so I know that I didn’t get the MOST out of the conference.

      Really like your strategies – I might use the tweeting tip for my next conference!

      Wish I could attend DCS 2016! I’ll be following closely on social.

      Thanks for this!


      • I was just like you Jennee. And then I realized, I really had nothing to lose by putting myself out there — but a lot to gain. I got out of my head and starting talking to everyone. And, I’m so glad I did!

        Sorry you won’t be there this year but keep an eye out for me on social media. 🙂

    3. Thank you very much for this post. It’s very timely, leaving lots of time to take the actions you suggest.

      I’ll be at the Summit in October. Hope to meet you there.

    4. Great tips Raubi!

      Putting yourself out there is the key to getting the full experience from a conference. The little 90min “happy hour” we did in 2014 has led to so much in continued friendships, mentorships, and partnerships.

      It amazes me how many people in the corporate world just go to a few disjointed sessions, skip the social events…then complain that a conference was terrible. I’m glad this event is structured in a way to help avoid falling into some of those traps.

      Can’t wait to see all of you for YEAR 3 soon!


      • I couldn’t agree more, Brian! I really can’t stress enough how much the relationships I formed at these conferences have helped me. (And how much fun I have!)

        Really looking forward to catching up with you in October!

    5. I flew solo at the Authority Conference in Denver back in 2014 and kept an open mind as I met new people over lunch.

      At lunch on the first day, I sat with one of the speakers who was a quirky Aussie wearing hip glasses and talked about digital photography. I had taken some artsy shots around Denver and posted them on Instagram. We talked about cool locations around the city and the amazing mountain vistas.

      Honestly, I didn’t know who Darren Rowse was at the time. Imagine!

      • I love that story Doug! I was on the other side of the spectrum and was totally a Darren Rowse fan girl as he was the author of the first book I ever read about blogging. 🙂

    6. I especially like the part about knowing in advance why I’m there. Sometimes I forget that part. “A whole lotta people gonna be there. I better go.” Nah, that’s not specific enough, is it? Thanks for the reminder!

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