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    2017 Content Excellence Challenge: The July Prompts

    2017 Content Excellence Challenge: The July Prompts

    Reader Comments (10)

    1. I love “Make excuses for work”. Now that is a healthy excuse and everyone should make that.

      I do make videos and articles. Hence I would make some infographs. It might be fun. Thanks Sonia.

    2. Hello Sonia,

      Great shout here 🙂

      These are some exciting prompts that are being offered from your side. Loved your idea of “making excuses for work” I will surely love to implement these in my daily routine.

      Thanks for the share.


    3. Hey Sonia,

      This is something many people may have been looking for. I have thought about video content.

      It’s new for me which can help my blog to get a different kind of exposure. I am sure, others will also like to join CopyBlogger.

      Thanks for the opportunity.
      Have an amazing week ahead.

    4. Hi Sonia,

      I added Facebook Live videos and podcasts to my arsenal 2 months back. Then I added Periscope about a month ago. Always gotta be adding content streams to express yourself, to sprint out of your comfort zone and to hone your skills. When I say “always” I mean over months 😉 But really, adding the content channels gave me confidence and clarity in spreading my word through established channels. Win-win.

      Thanks for sharing 🙂


      • I’ve been thinking about doing some live video as well. That will need to wait for another month until I quit living on the road, though, I think. 🙂

    5. Hi Sonia. This isn’t exactly what the first prompt is about, but I realized it was time to stop focusing on business editing and get back to my roots, technical editing. This meant overhauling everything about my website, my sales pitch, my networking, my choice of hangouts… This really changed things up and re-energized me. And when I was done, I landed one new technical edit and a whole lot more business edits. It doesn’t matter. They’re both good. 🙂

    6. Hey Sonia,

      Very well said, I usually write blog posts and make infographics based on those them, now I am thinking of making videos too. just got encouraged from your post. Thanks for sharing.


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