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    Catablogging: Blog-Based Ecommerce and Affiliate Marketing

    Catablogging: Blog-Based Ecommerce and Affiliate Marketing

    Reader Comments (47)

    1. If I was starting an ecommerce site today and had a big budget the first thing I would do is buy an established blog in the same industry and expand that out to sell products too. Buying a blog will save a huge amount of marketing budget and shortcut your way to the top of Google.

    2. Hm. Catablogger? Not sure. What I find the most interesting about your post (asides the stories you tell, which I always enjoy) is that it’s geared for focus on product-based selling. (Or so it seems. I may not have had enough coffee.)

      My thought is… this approach would work just as well for service-based. And even more, how much of this do we all already apply to our blogs and content without knowing it?

      Hm, hm!

    3. And even more, how much of this do we all already apply to our blogs and content without knowing it?

      I’m sure there’s truth to that. And I’ve found that you become a bit more effective when you become a bit more deliberate (after figuring out what works).

    4. Well, I try to figure out what works, and then you bring up some great new post that comes right out of left field to completely blow my deliberate thoughts into something resembling, “Well *&^%. NOW what do I do?”


      Mind you, I’m still back on your crossroads post. That one fits like a well-worn leather jacket.

    5. I love your content and the spiffy graphics that accompany your posts, like the Catablogged stamp on this item.

      Would love to see a post about how you create those graphics–where you buy photos, what you use to edit graphics, etc. Yours are among the very best I’ve seen.

      Keep up the great work.

    6. It seems that timeless content that also sells something will never die.

      Even when Sears was just selling a product (watches) he was probably a darn good storyteller- and as my family knows from politics, walking across a large land mass (Florida) and meeting and greeting regular folks to tell them your story sells a lot of product (or gets a lot of votes)

      Honesty+Stories+Value+ Killer Product= A happy customer


      Thanks for the reminder and the great example Sears was. Such persuasive copy!

    7. A great post; it will give me lots to chew on as I learn to develop my site.

      Just to broaden Joan Stewart’s request – I’d like a graphics tutorial (or a link to one) , but a description of how you use images to enhance the effectiveness of your text would be really great.

    8. Oooh-La-La…you’ve piqued my interest with this Catablog post.

      Sounds magnetic!

      I just might have to give this catablog thing a try…sounds so tempta-licious!

      Thanks for your rich insight!

    9. I just came to realize how important copy is to a business not too long ago. One can think that they can scoot past not investing in great copy, but it will eventually come back around to bite. Good blog.

    10. Great article. I see the potential for several catablogs for people I know. I always pass on good information. And I learn so much when I read your posts and your guests’ posts, as well.

    11. On Friday I interviewed for what is essentially a catablogging job. Wish me luck!

      This is great advice for the individual, but there are also a lot of larger retailers/etailers who can be using the same strategies to get better traffic and far stickier customers.

    12. I’ve heard of our site being referred as a catablog, though it doesn’t sell products, it ‘sells’ holiday (vacation) ideas.

      There’s no affiliate links, no Adsense, we built our own ad system. One travel journalists said they liked our site because “unlike a lot of travel sites it doesn’t give you the hard sell”, were his actual words.

      Two of the best examples of catablogging I can think of are: Mighty Goods and Uncrate. The former providing inspiration for our site.

      Another example is Supermarketwine.com, and like our site it was built using Textpattern, not WordPress (shock!horror!)

    13. interesting post…i’ve encountered catablogging but wouldn’t have know what to call it prior to today. without getting into specifics, i’m curious to know if MightyGoods, Uncrate and other cited examples can actually support someone who wants to be a full time blogger.

    14. Garrison, I like Holiday Pad… that’s really cool.

      I’m not sure Mighty Goods is producing any feature content, but they should. Uncrate sometimes puts together link bait posts like “top 10 products to help you pimp your MacBook” but they should be doing more of it, imho.

    15. @Brian: thank you for the compliment, appreciated. It’s phase 1 of a long-term strategy.

      Uncrate has a neat feature, the save to favourites function, known as ‘stuff’. Great thing is, you can output some code and stick your fav lists on your blog. But, I don’t see any lists appearing on other blogs on my travels.

      I liked Uncrate’s music picks but don’t see many these days.

      @JW: without going into detail, I started my blog in the autumn of 2005 and nearly 3 years later it’s still going. I can’t vouch for MG and Uncrate but they’ve been adding stuff every day for the past couple of years too!

    16. I couldn’t agree more about your ‘story-telling’ approach. Shall we not forget that in ancient days, selling was done through the use of a strong throat and a ‘never-ending story’ =). Hello there, my name is Luis, an e-shopper since I can recall. I enjoyed all of your comments, enjoyed the free-space given and all honest comments. So here is one of my own: stroy-telling, great tool, it really enhances your selling power, but so does a good interface. I’m en e-bay seller myself, after tyrying yahoo and other interfaces but I feel I lack of individuallity, I feel at a flea-market, where you gotta be either lucky or a big-fish to be seen. Another thing is (as I mentioned in other blogs, Brave Journal) that the lack of seller-buyer interaction dimishes your selling power as by interacting with other e-shoppers you really gain much more than goods. And I belive that’s what marketplaces should offer, more space for communicaction, more features enabling a more direct impact on other e-shoppers like you. Hope you don’t mind my comment. Regards to all!

    17. @ James Chartrand: Yes, catablogging works just as well, if not better for services… When I started TypePad Hacks a couple years ago, my whole purpose was to get TypePad to make some changes to the platform (many of which they did) and to document hacks that readers could use to enhance their blogs. It quickly became a sort of alt knowledge base full of free tutorials.

      About a year in, people began asking if they could hire me to do the work for them, instead of using the tutorials to do it themselves. At first I turned down all the requests because making money with that blog was never the goal. But eventually I gave in, customers lined up, and it became quite the going concern. I’ve gotten to the point now where I hire out most of the work just because I have more on my plate than I can handle.

      So I’m thinking… If a good tutorial site can bring in tons of business when it ain’t even the goal, well, it probably would work quite well for someone who set out intentionally to market their services!

    18. Great post…Not sure you would call a blog for a realtor catablogging, but it for sure makes me think. Lot’s of people are interested in real estate and it is often near or at the top of the most searched keywords. So I guess people like to submerge themselves in this…and then also purchasing or selling real estate at sometime. I think in our area for real estate in Santa Barbara and Montecito, people do like to just browse because of the style of town we have, the price points and the list of famous faces….so I guess if a client ends up buying real estate here in Santa Barbara after spending time on my site, it could be a form of your topic.

      Interesting post.

    19. Great post…Not sure you would call a blog for a realtor catablogging…

      I used to blog home listings in catalog style… Mixed in with article content, it took me to the top of the search results for the town I was targeting.

      Remember, buyers are looking for homes. So blog your listings, but also blog about other homes that you’ve previewed and link it to your IDX lead capture system. It works really well.

    20. Brian,
      You have a great way of putting a name on something that sort of already exists, but showing us how it could be better. Seth Godin does the same thing.
      I think this idea is brilliant.
      Amen also to not becoming an “over-the-top internet charlatan”. That style was tired before it even got started.
      Would you have some examples of Chris Pearson’s e-commerce blogs? I looked at the link to his site and found some great things, but I’d like to study the sites you mention.

    21. well blogging had come to another level, now its called catablogging in the sense that there are more features added in blogs not just contents or widgets but more on something new, well this article states a very good example for telling viewers about catablogging thanks 🙂

    22. Extremely long but very useful and informative article. How i wish i can do all of that in a short period of time. But for sure doing those will produce results. I will try to spread your words through my blog and link it back to you. Thanks a lot for those tips.

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