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    3 Seriously Good Reasons to Join Brian and Sonia at the BlueGlass LA Conference

    3 Seriously Good Reasons to Join Brian and Sonia at the BlueGlass LA Conference

    Reader Comments (11)

    1. I’ll come on one condition… Marry me Sonia! Yeah if I can take you home you betcha I wont run out of I.M strategies!

    2. Love to come… Never been invited before and would find it SO interesting. The internet is my whole marketing strategy and I have learnt so much from you guys! But can’t make it this year because of work committments. Please mail me again next year!

    3. Sonia – thx for the heads up. Sounds fabulous and I would love to attend but it’s a bit over budget for this year. :0(

      Maybe next year though because the intimacy of it would be well worth the investment I’m sure.

      Amy Parmenter
      The ParmFarm

    4. Hi Sonia,

      Sounds interesting, But Mah Bad, I will not be there to see 2 legend bloggers sharing there Secretes…. 🙁
      Because, right now i don’t have that much money in my wallet so that i can book my ticket India to LA……

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