If so, you’ll see my first ever conference speaking appearance (for better or worse).
You know, the funny thing is, I got into online publishing and copywriting so I could live anywhere I wanted and make a nice living without ever needing to get a haircut, put on decent clothes, get on a plane and speak in front of a room full of strangers.
Something has apparently gone awry.
So, BlogWorld may well end up being my first and last conference speaking appearance. Depends on if things go badly or not.
If you’re not already signed up, there’s still a bit more than a month until the conference, which is happening November 8-9 in Las Vegas. There’s currently a special on pricing though October 19, but you can get an additional 15% off if you sign up before October 10 by using the promotional code COPYBLOGGER.
Note: While BlogWorld has been a sponsor here for a couple of months, they are not paying me for this post, nor have they asked me to write it. I just would like to see as many of your smiling faces there as possible, so I asked them if my readers could get an additional discount, which they were happy to provide. So there.
If the prospect of seeing me crash and burn on stage is not enticing enough, check out all these other fine folks who will be there:
Om Malik, Jory Des Jardins, Aaron Wall, Charlene Li, Des Walsh, Paul Dunay, Jim Kukral, Leo Laporte, Leesa Barnes, Brett Trout, Shel Israel, Hugh Hewitt, Jeremy Wright, Dave Taylor, Glenn Reynolds, Colonel Austin Bay, Bill Roggio, Matt and Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive, Greyhawk from Mudville Gazette, La Shawn Barber, David Corn, Will Leitch, Tyler Blesinski, Matt Cerrone, Scott Bourne, Alex Lindsay, Larry Webber, Howard Kaushansky, Andy Wibbels, John Furrier, Ari Newman, Steve Boyett, Larry Schwartz, Maggie Fox, Brett Trout, Craig Howe, Professor David Perlmutter, Brian Solis, Brad Feld….
and the proverbial many, many more.
Of course, the real benefit of these conferences is the partying networking. So what are you waiting for?
Remember, use the promo code COPYBLOGGER to get an additional 15% off the already discounted price, but only through October 10, 2007.
Reader Comments (46)
Since I’m now becoming a blogger, I’d love to go, and it’s not that bad of drive from here in Arizona, but too many other commitments unfortunately.
What do you mean, “Depends on if things go badly or not.”? You’ll be great! I love your insightful blog! I need to spunk up my post titles, so I’ll be visting your blog regularly!
Another excellent reason to be there!
Just had a look at the program. There are so many knowledgeable speakers and such interesting topics I’m already challenged about which ones I will go to. Yours of course 🙂
who told you I’m going? I’m not going to be able to make it.
Brian, you’ll knock ’em dead (in a good way)!
If you think this is going to be a new exciting direction for you, and you think you might consider public speaking coaching, get in touch!
Congrats! Have an awesome time in front of the group! Wish I could go 🙁 I’m broke 🙁
Brian, The Blog Squad will be there. And having interviewed you twice for our radio show, I know you’ll be great. Unfortunatly, I won’t be able to attend your session since I’ll be presenting on the panel about blog design. But Patsi will be there.
We look foward to meeting you in person!
I’m going and exponentially more pumped. Can’t wait to see your debut. Hope I get a chance to meet you face-to-face, too.
I’ll be there. You’ll do great, Brian!
If your first public speaking at a conference does not go well, don’t let that be the last time you consider it.
Speaking is one of the biggest fears of people.
If I overcame it, I know you can.
Thanks for the promo code, that saved me about $30. Hope you get a piece of the action. 😉
Look forward to the event.
A subtle yet effective way of hedging your speaking bets Brian! 😉
Jason, whoops… I must have been working off of an older list. You have been escorted out of the post.
Rico, I’m a big believer in the power of diminished expectations. 🙂
You will do great. You will be with a really good crowd.
BTW: When are you going to start accepting new consulting projects?
The Know More Media full-time crew will be there – probably five of us, including me. We anticipate that several of our bloggers will be there too. I look forward to meeting you, Brian!
RE: your first speaking gig here are some tips:
1. Speak about something you know a LOT about.
2. Break your talk up into chunks of wisdom/observation/knowledge/stories/etc. and speak about those chunks in a natural voice (i.e. a script makes you sound like a robot, but an outline doesn’t).
3. Pointpoints = death if you fill them with boring text. Only do point point if you have something to show that is visually STUNNING. Like a great photo or a graph or a video. In your case maybe a before and after example.
4. Talk about the big picture issues, but give small examples.
good luck with it and let the audience know when you start that this is your first time and you appreciate them giving you the chance to speak.
Thanks Jason! Great tips from a frequent and successful speaker.
You know, great copy and great content really follow the same rules as great presentations do.
I’m not worried about what I come up with, I’m worried how my delivery will be. 🙂 I love to improvise, but I also know that the more you practice the more naturally you come across live.
I hate practicing. 🙂
Brian – Sorry if you missed my comment, but I was wondering if you are going to accept new consulting projects anytime soon.
Sorry Hamlet, probably not. Got a lot of my own projects rolling right now, and they pay a lot better. 🙂
I bet they do. Thanks anyways
Hey Brian;
I use an extemporaneous approach.
Simply have a few short bullets on your presentation that prompt you to speak from the hip.
My wife won’t let me go.
Joel Libava
The Franchise King Blog
I’ll be there. Will you be available for real conversation, or are you just flying in to speak in front the large crowd?
I’m looking to make it to your session, but I have to check which track I’m on and how to switch tracks mid, um, track.
I look forward to heckling you.
I wish, sounds like sa great event.
Since I live here in Vegas it would be pretty sad if I missed this one. Yeah, I’ll be there. Looking forward to meeting a bunch of folks from the blog-o-sphere.
I will definitely be there and hope to meet you!
Unfortunately I won’t and I wish I could – it’s always great to hear people good at what they’re doing share their knowledge with you live.
Thank you for the post and the link/s Brian. You are going to do a great job. I had no idea this was your first speaking gig.
Blog on!
Rick Calvert
CEO & Co-founder
BlogWorld & New Media Expo
I live in Vegas and I will be posting all of the hottest parties for the weekend of Blogworld. I will be there for the conference as well. I am just learning and I love it. I think I am going to have a party at one of the clubs…I just havent decided which one yet.
be sure to join us Thursday night at the HardRock Shana.
I’m soooo excited to go to Blog World. I live in Vegas. I have great…no…RIDICULOUS connections here and can get comped tables and bottles for three or four tables. I know there is a party at the Hard Rock for Blog World on Thursday. We should have a Copyblogger party at Tabu on Thursday night. Also for anyone attending I have a list of all of the nightclub parties. If anyone is staying at the Hard Rock, make sure you cross the street on Paradise and try out the Rainbow Bar & Grill…celebs hang out their. It is a duplicate of the famous Hollywood hot spot. LAX is the new nightclub on the Strip and if you want to get in without waiting in the lines, then ask for Roq at LAX. I have lots of tips on where to eat and what not to miss, but it depends on what you like.
Rick… I will be at the Pajama party…can I bring my girlfriends if they do not have tickets…is there a guest list? My girlfriends think blogging is…well…boring…I am the only one bloggervision. Also, Tabu offered to do a nightclub party at Tabu with comped tables and bottles for the speakers and a special VIP no line for everyone. We usually set up our local parties this way so we can all converse without being in the tourist traps. Any suggestions on main contacts for Blog World?
Sorry Shana didnt see this comment until this morning. I hope you were able to make it to the party and have fun.
Please come and say hello while you are at the show.
Anyone with a blue blogworld shirt can reach me on the radio.
I want to help with the next Blogworld in Vegas.
send me an email Shana. Rick@blogworldexpo.com
So Guys,
How it went in Lasvegas? Serious talking or fun? I hope to get post BlogWorld reply.
It was fantastic! there were great educational sessions, great vendors in the exhibit hall and some serious fun as well at the pajama party and the shareasale party.
You can check out videos from last year’s show here:
That all that for what it’s worth coming from me 8).
Wow i would of loved to see that or well been there 🙂
How it went in Lasvegas? Serious talking or fun? I hope to get post BlogWorld reply.
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