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    Announcing: Seth Godin will be Keynoting Authority Intensive

    Announcing: Seth Godin will be Keynoting Authority Intensive

    Reader Comments (17)

    1. Boo Hoo…. (sniff)

      Kind of sucks that its halfway around the world from me. I would pay for a web replay of the event.

      “The best way to motivate the monkey, of course, is to use a banana”

      I want one please….

      Monkey thought translator, from “Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs”…

      Excited, excited… 🙂

    2. So, I’ve been considering coming to hang out in Denver. Now I’m past considering to budgeting. 🙂

      If I could only give one Seth quote, I’d fret for a few days and still not be able to produce *one*, and I’m not a pink-haired tyrant. So I’ll save myself some energy and just say Seth is awesome since Pinky didn’t directly say it.

    3. Brian

      I sometimes meet people who don’t believe neither what they tell themselves…

      Seth Godin?

      I love his short and sharp writing style. It’s fantastic he’s coming at the content event….

    4. Awesome post, Sonia! Seth is my all time favorite author and he, literally, changed my life. I wish I was anywhere near Denver, Colorado to attend the event, but I’m thousands of miles away. 🙁

      I know that many of the people in the industry already know Seth and have read his books, but to those who didn’t have the chance to read anything by him I highly recommend Linchpin, especially to the young people who are still confused about their life and future. Trust me: Seth knows the answers.

      I don’t write much, but earlier this year I published a post on my personal blog with some quotes that I gathered from his books that really inspired me. So, If anyone is interested to read a few more quotes, here’s the link: http://www.gentukehajdaraj.com/blog/11-awesome-quotes-by-seth-godin/


    5. Now that’s legit. I’d be down, although I doubt I’ll be able to pull it off. Any plans for a livesteam for the folks back home?

    6. I see that my previous comment with questions to Seth Godin (I hope they were not too provocative) did not come through. I assume the comment was simply too big, so I
      posted it on my website.

      If my original comment appears, Sonia, you may please remove this current comment. Thank you.

      • I looked in spam, trash, and then did a search on your name. I can’t find another comment anywhere, so it must have gotten hung up when you hit post.

    7. Re-reading “Linchpin” right now. Literally, almost every line is quotable.

      Thank you Copyblogger for making this happen! I missed Seth here in Denver a couple weeks ago when he kicked off Startup Week. Very excited that he’ll be back in my hometown. Bummed for all of you so far away.

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