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    How to Architect Your Day to Be More Productive

    How to Architect Your Day to Be More Productive

    Reader Comments (6)

    1. Great insight. I never had a name for my routine (“cues”), but this article has brought its purpose into better focus.

      I find that writing down (on paper or in Google Keep) my goals/intentions/plans for the next day the previous evening, I can hit the ground running. I’m most productive in the morning and mid-afternoon, so this pre-planning is extremely helpful. Not to mention heavy metal and rap music in my headphones!

    2. Loryn
      First of all, this is a great article and I find that I subconsciously follow this advice.

      I would like to interject that if this routine is interrupted by distractions during the work week more than twice I find my anger comes to the top. I read somewhere this is caused by goals not attained because of a multitude of obstacles that get in our way.

      On the flip side if I get my coffee, news and motivating articles or post such as this one first thing my day feels productive just like you said.

      One morning a week I have a video accountability group from 7am- 8 am which I always look forward to that doesn’t feel like a distraction.

      One of your tips I’m going to try. I think I will leave my shoes on in the evening to see if I accomplish personal goals in the evening rather than vegging out in front of the tv. Thanks!

    3. This is article couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve been thinking about this for some time, trying to see what makes me the most productive, and I’m still not sure what’s my most productive setting. I think sometimes it’s better to try new
      things, experiment, and see what works, spaghetti-on-the-wall style.

      Thanks for the great work, Loryn!

    4. Loryn, your words have inspired me to look at creating a morning ritual from a new perspective. Instead of thinking about what “should” give me increased focus and energy, such as mimicking the routine of Tony Robbins, for example, I can take the time to uncover my unique context and triggers and use what’s already proven to boost my productivity, personally. Thank you! 🙂

    5. “Unfortunately, you’re not a machine”. To be honest I think it is fortunate that we are not.
      I find the fact that you can concentrate with headphones on interesting. Headphones internalise the sounds that you hear; they sound like they are in your head, not external to it. This utilises the same areas of your brain that you use for other cognitive functions and potentially reduces your effectiveness in achieving certain tasks.
      I have experimented with this and find that having the source of the sound outside the room is actually most effective. However, as you say, we are all different.

    6. I find it deeply irksome that I feel most refreshed and in the mood to work between 8 and 10 am…but I also have a day job so my side hustle stuff gets shunted to the evenings when I’m free! Sometimes it’s difficult to create a routine that supports your creativity habits and you have to work with what you’ve got. For me, keeping Chrome tabs closed, my phone out of sight and headphones on are what get me through!

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