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    3 Steps to Hone the Skill that Can Advance Your Career as a Writer

    3 Steps to Hone the Skill that Can Advance Your Career as a Writer

    Reader Comments (8)

    1. Being honest and open were 2 big game changers for me Stefanie. I saw myself more in the light of truth. Being kinda detached from my writing helped me in this regard. Versus seeing my words as my babies I just perceive ’em as a medium through which I have fun and help folks. No pride there; just passion, gratitude for being a pro blogger and also a willingness to see myself as being no big deal. Just someone who taps squares all day long 🙂

      • Interesting how you regard being humble as a way to see your work clearly and focus on helping your readers, Ryan.

        Tapping squares is an art form though! The intention you described above shows it’s not mindless. 🙂

    2. If the author doesn’t think the writing is important enough to do right, why should I think it’s important enough for me to read?

      If an author writes sloppily, I might wonder what else the author does sloppily, such as perhaps the service the writing is trying to sell me. That’s not a good look.

    3. Yes, you definitely have to be honest with yourself in order to self-edit well. Brutally honest. You have to be able to approach your own writing with the same editing attitude you would use when editing someone else’s work. That’s not the easiest process to learn, but it is well worth the effort.

      The same for proofreading. Familiarity with the material because it’s your own makes it that much more difficult to catch all the mistakes that are just always there in everything we write. You’re so right about that first draft being pretty bad! And that can lead to many little errors that annoy the reader to no end if not discovered and fixed.

      Another great post! Thanks for sharing!

      • I love proofreading because it really does put your readers’ experience first. Without errors to distract them, they get to connect with your message faster.

        Plus, it’s great when your writing looks effortless, even though we all know how much work it takes to make a piece of writing look effortless. 😉

    4. I definitely value proofreading high. When I have received several articles from a copywriter I expect that I don’t have to proofread anymore – he should be able to match the content completely to my needs.

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