Content is a Verb: A Challenge for Freelance Writers

Content is a Verb: A Challenge for Freelance Writers

Reader Comments (29)

  1. Once again google is changing the landscape of internet marketing. If they can pull it off it will be a good thing for those who use their search engine. Content is king. I only hope that google bots are able to appreciate the beauty an article like yours.

  2. Me like pretty words.

    I have to admit that I was scanning this article more than reading it. Then my eyes fell upon that picture and “Why u care about this?” on the screen.

    My mind went “Noooooooooooooo!”

    The reason I was scanning is because it’s mostly a lesson I already know. The good news is the sub-head got my attention. The bad news is that it scarred my eyes.

  3. Great article Sonia. My mind turns to a client I was doing SEO/content work for until recently. I increased his traffic tenfold over a 12 month period, but more importantly I was creating high quality content that was enhancing/building his brand and was converting traffic into sales.

    We parted company (my decision) because he just didn’t understand the value in what I was doing for him and, as I knew him of old I had been doing ‘mates rates’ for a year. This was not sustainable for me for the time and effort I was putting in.

    So, he has now gone elsewhere and the new SEO Co (and I use the term loosely) are just filling up his site with the aforementioned ‘keyword stuffed crap’, which won’t convert and will probably get his site penalised/banned. All my good work will be undone and I have advised him that he is heading for a serious problem, but you can lead a horse to the water…

      • At least he can’t say I haven’t warned him…

        In addition to the terrible copy on the site, they are building some very dodgy links. I foresee a google slap in the not too distant future.

    • That is pretty unfortunate, David. Looks like he was simply seeing conversions, rather than branded copy that was equally engaging and effective. It’s the norm sometimes with clients in certain industries ( those that are more analytic).

  4. Sonia, this is what I’ll call, ‘the grounds’ of content creation!
    One good post!

    And I’ll like add, a writer/content creator must value his/her own talent first and the power to make difference, only then he/she can say a clear NO to ‘spammy’ Clients.


  5. Check out Merriam-Webster. Content is also . . .
    an adjective.

    If our content is written properly, our readers will be, well, content.

    We will have made them happy, satisfied. gratified and pleased.

    They come to acknowledge us as trusted authorities.
    Am I right?

  6. Maybe content is like food. Even though the consumer officially knows the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ eats, there’s a market for all things edible, sometimes beyond. So it seems with content – food for thought. Whether it’s ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is ultimately the decision of the reader, so the first order of the day is to get started. How to get started? Copyblogger, obviously :-]

  7. Arghhh…let’s not encourage lazy writing by turning more nouns into verbs. It smacks of corporate blather like “officing.” Eeuw. I stopped reading as soon as I saw it.

  8. I really enjoyed your post. People think that creating content is much simpler than it really is. But, when you look at all of the factors involved you realize that content is one of the most important parts of brand image.

    Also, blogs should use memes more! Nice use of memes!

  9. “But it’s also a verb — a collection of actions you deliver over time.”

    Um, no. It’s still a noun.

  10. Sonia,

    U rocked another one. Surprised? Not really…
    U had me at hello with Morpheus there at the top, and kept my engagement with ur text message style “u”.

    I, too, will plug Even if u know all there is to know about marketing, u’ll (did I really just do that?) find stuff u’ve (again?!) forgotten about that’ll make u say “oh yeah! forgot about that one!”


  11. Hi Sonia,

    Excellent! Few realize that we as freelancers create stuff that should make people do stuff. Action verb territory all the way.

    Thanks for sharing.


  12. I’m worried Google’s authority will become too authoritarian. We all want our authority figures and thought leaders, and that’s why they give us those Google+ profiles so people can always know to click on our mug and not the other guy.

    What happens if they click too much on us and no one else? Blind allegiance and unquestioning loyalty? The inability to think for themselves? Tunnel-vision with no other viewpoints?

    That’s why I just pull up the first 5 results on the SERP page and close them off one-by-one until the fittest remains.

  13. Yet another wonderful post from Sonia!

    I love “Because strategy” . I have a few clients who I have tried to educate about content marketing, looks like the next step is to fire some and find new clients who get it.

  14. There is entirely too much Reddit in this post! But, I love it.

    Great write up, Sonia. Trying to educate clients about real content marketing is like wading through mud with Atreyu – it’s difficult and someone is gonna die.

    “Fight the sadness!”

    Anyway, I created a new company (Content Kung Fu) solely for offering actual content marketing campaigns. We don’t about keyword density (makes me sad that some still do) or even word count. Thanks for re-affirming that my business plan is needed.

    I just want to make the internet a better place.

  15. “Grown-up content marketing isn’t about creating undifferentiated buckets of keyword-stuffed crap.”

    This sums up what the “First Tribe” is guilty of doing.

    It sometimes can still work though, which is probably why they are still doing it.

    The part that really resonates with me is “undifferentiated”, because it shows the lack of human care and connection.

    Thanks for the reminder, Sonia, about how important it is to be “differentiated” in our content marketing – like you are when you change “content” into a verb.


  16. Thanks for sharing this post Sonia Simone. It’s a nice article with very good information, This post is very helpful for the writer. The way you define was very informative. High quality article writing is not a difficult task. I really like these strategies because these strategies are very helpful and appreciative to popular the website.

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