Why You Should Buy Trust Agents (One Random Guy’s Opinion)

Why You Should Buy Trust Agents (One Random Guy’s Opinion)

Reader Comments (25)

  1. Thanks for the recommendation! Seth Godin says you should buy then YOU SHOULD BUY! In my opinion for whatever that is worth…. Thanks again, Bill Saint

  2. Are there pictures in it? I need something to break up the monotony of moving my lips while I read.
    Is it vastly superior to Tara Hunt’s book?
    Is there a Kindle edition available or must I risk the possibility of a paper cut?

  3. What’s the chances of that random guy being Seth Godin, eh? 🙂

    Anyway, I was hoping you’d tell us more. Mind you, it shows the power of word of mouth… I just heard of an offer involving 200 copies of a book, and now I come here and put 2 and 2 together.

    So are you gonna tell us more? Or do we have to … sigh… actually buy the book 🙂

  4. In all seriousness (and Heaven knows I’m ALWAYS serious), regardless of what the esteemed random stranger noted above might say about Trust Agents (which is a book that makes a much better read than a paperweight), you should get a copy. Get TEN copies. Read them all yourself, or give them to friends. Or friends of friends. You’ll be glad you did.

  5. I’m actually glad this isn’t a full review. Amber has a great summary on Altitude Branding. To me it’s about trust (coincidence, huh?). I trust the writers and those endorsing it. Purchased my copy this morning. Trust.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  6. @Melissa, OK… but WHY? What are the benefits (other than it’s better than a paperweight, I’m already using Unleashing The Ideavirus for that), the features, the Unique Selling Propositions?

    It may have the bald dude’s stamp of approval, but if I bought every book with his stamp of approval, I’d have to buy, like, 7 books! 🙂

    Why do I get the feeling I’m participating in some giant Authority experiment here, with Brian as Stanley Milgram…?

    Why do I feel I’m probably going to end up buying this darned book I know very little about? 🙂

  7. OK, Paul. Here’s why (and this is just what I think, so take that for what it’s worth): Chris & Julien are pretty darned smart. They know what they’re talking about. They don’t profess to have all the answers, but they’re asking some interesting questions. If you haven’t had a chance to take a look at the discussions that are in progress on the Trust Agents page on Facebook, I encourage you to do so. The concepts are simple, but very thought-provoking. The ways that they’re talking about employing trust can, and should, change the way we’re doing business. It’s passionate. Funny. Well-written. And it has the bald dude’s stamp of approval. 😉

    PS: You don’t know me from Adam, so my little missive mightn’t be worth much to you, Brian’s endorsement is worth WAY more than $16 in my book. He’s wicked smaaaht.

  8. Won’t buy from Amazon until they stop selling dog and cock fighting magazines. Is it available anywere else?

  9. HAHA! Seth Godin is not just some random guy.
    Seriously though. I review products for a living. Get me a copy of the book and I will review it. Then you will have a truly random review.
    Although, considering my past experience with book by these authors I would give it unnaturally high marks anyway.
    Looking forward to the new book.

  10. I have to agree that compared to other books about social media this has something new to say (like an opinion!).

    Get this and any other generic book and you have the complete collection!

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