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    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #2: StartBreakingFree.com

    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #2: StartBreakingFree.com

    Reader Comments (21)

    1. This is a fantastic resource–maybe you’ve just hit upon my learning style, but I feel broadened regarding an important topic. Excellent work.

    2. Well I think I better revise my landing page 🙂

      I remember when the late Corey Rudl of Internet tips used to this sort of stuff to optimize web pages. Outstanding stuff

    3. If he is trying to sell books (his own product). Why would you distract the user with adsense or any advertising links?

      Doesn’t make sense.

    4. I agree with that Graeme. Look at Aaron Wall’s SEOBook.com — he gets tons of traffic, but he’s not about to distract a site visitor with third-party advertising. The point of the blog and site is to sell books, period. And Aaron sells a lot of them.

    5. How in the world did no one point out the biggest mistake on the page…the huge headline that says “What Your Going To Get” under which it lists the benefits of the book.

      Maybe it’s just me, but I wouldn’t even consider purchasing a product with such a glaring mistake on the sales page.

      If you didn’t notice anything wrong, it should be “What You’re Going To Get”

      “You’re” = “You Are”

    6. Roberta pointed that typo out in screen shot 3 (with an arrow) and referenced it in item #9.

      Typos can be embarrassing, but so can comments that demonstrate you didn’t look closely at the post.

    7. I wish I knew Maven. I could say same than him ,point for point, and even, we would agree on which type face to use.
      I will never be rich, and i am good at what I do
      But now, it doesn’t matter even, for I refuse in principle to layout a page, where a client tells quite candidly that her creative Co provides a 360º service to her clients. As I am the only one working for her (e.g.:Ihave a 3 days a month retainer), how on earth is this true. It can’t be. Me can’t do everything well.
      But, i have broken free, and this is the most important thing I learned from the experience of 15 years in this trade.
      Forget about it, surf the net. I have no wings, so i am quite happy with just a feather attached to my hat

    8. Found this post from a link in another Copyblogger post, so I’m very late to the party here.

      The landing page has changed much in that time, but…

      The first thing I notice when going to the new landing page is a big ol’ banner ad in the header for Rich Jerk. Please just sell me your book – not some third party product – especially the Rich Jerk.

      Don’t give me an excuse to leave your page except to purchase your book.

      Another point – the original page had the guarantee isolated from the body copy with a colored background and a seal type image. Now it is just part of the body copy and doesn’t stand out much. I’d bring back the colored background and seal image.

      I also notice the ebook price is now $7 higher. Bummer.

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