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    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #11: RealEstateClientReferrals.com

    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #11: RealEstateClientReferrals.com

    Reader Comments (16)

    1. Just wanted to take a moment to thank Roberta and Copyblogger for giving us many excellent new ideas and suggestions to work with!

    2. Roberta,

      Ever think about a Landing Page Makeover Membership Site? Initial membership fee goes to Heifer (whose websites I used to code btw); continued membership then goes to you. Your members and their sites are your content. Content is hard to come up with, but in your case, it’s a limitless supply where half the work is already done for you and will grow as your member numbers do. Use TS as a guide. Can’t think of a better candidate.

      Just my two cents.

    3. Great analysis as usual.

      It always amazes me how much meat is embedded in your point-by-point analysis.

      My fave advice: “Peel away everything EXCEPT what will help a prospect make a comfortable, confident decision in your favor.”

      I always enjoy reading your analysis, which always point to the same conclusion:

      * The ultimate success factor of a given landing page can be found by looking at the detail

      * Each piece of information presented plays a crucial role in the overall effectiveness.

      Thanks for sharing!

    4. I don’t see much wrong with the layout. Bob Bly and other top direct marketers use similar layouts and sell millions of dollars worth of product. The first place I would focus my attention is on the headline.

      I agree that the offers are far too confusing. Great post.

    5. As a realestate broker thanks for saying you need to reference todays market and make it risk free. My brother and I are much more apt to try something if we can try it for a smaller cost before the big bill. If the service works we have always upgraded.

    6. I’m a real estate investor and online entrepreneur based out of Las Vegas, NV (a hard hit area), so I found this article particularly interesting. There is A LOT of stuff on Sherice’s page. I didn’t read all of it because there’s just too much there. When I saw my scroll bar shrink to a small square I thought to myself, I’m too busy to read all this, I’ll just skim. I think Roberta is right on with the comments made above.

      When I clicked over to your page I was left wondering who you were (your company)? And after reading the first headline I got the feeling that this was like one of those late night infomercials, I’m not sure if that’s what you were going for?

      My eyes then skipped to the headlines only – so make those count (like mentioned in the post). Try skimming down your page and just read the headlines and big print. When you’re done, what have you learned about your site? I saw one headline that stopped me and grabbed my attention – “How Does Real Estate Client Referrals Compare to Other So-Called “Lead Generation” Services?”

      But . . . I was let down. The answer is, “There is no comparison,” and that’s it? That tells me nothing about your company. Tell me why I should trust you other than showing me testimonials.

      Also, it’s not immediately apparent who this is all for. I assume Real Estate Agents, but it doesn’t say for sure. Would you supply this to real estate investors as well? I invest but am not an agent. Is this something I could use?

      Anyway, I wish you success in your ventures. I’m just offering up a perspective from a site visitor.

      Good post.

    7. What a terrific analysis of this site. Real Estate is a such a dynamic business that changes all the time depending on economic times. Your advice to keep the sales page current and to situations in todays market is spot on.

      I will have to bookmark this site and check back oftern for great copywriting advice.


    8. Thanks for the post, I’ve just begun researching landing pages and this has been a great help. I will take all points into regard.


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