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    The Resilient Writer’s Year-End Survival Kit

    The Resilient Writer’s Year-End Survival Kit

    Reader Comments (5)

    1. Hi Stefanie,
      This is really a very informative piece of article.
      Sometimes our environments don’t allow us to think creatively.
      For creative works, a peaceful environment is a must. Distraction is never a good thing for creative writers.

      I prefer early morning at around 5AM to start by writing works, at this time I am more focused and can think clearly.

      Again, thanks for sharing this article.


    2. Hi Stephanie,
      Personally, I find that listening to background relaxing music also distracts me from my writing (maybe because I’m also a musician).
      Exercise and meditation are a must for me in the morning before I do anything else.
      I’m subscribing to Copyblogger and see if you don’t distract me also 🙂
      Thanks for the article.

    3. The video with the fireplace makes me anxious because it sounds like there’s a fire in my room when I don’t actually have a fireplace. But generally, I really like the idea of having nice background sounds

    4. Great survival tips!
      I especially liked the part about creating an ambience. I particularly find certain types of lighting to be better than others for helping me get into my zone.
      And a cup of coffee and a bottle of Topo Chico are must-haves!
      And thanks for saying I should be writing in style…you’ve just given me permission to take a trip to Staples and go all out ????.

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