Buckets and Chunks: An Exercise in Writing Everything Down

Buckets and Chunks: An Exercise in Writing Everything Down
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Reader Comments (36)

  1. I have been using a “bucket” type of concept for some time when writing complex documents, like white papers.

    However, I do not have the luxury of letting the ideas sit for some time and bake.

    Nice first post!

  2. Thanks! It can be tough to let something bake very long, especially when it’s good. Not to mention, for most of us, writing is a sidebar to our lives/working lives, and not the main feature.

    Thanks for the compliment!

  3. The bucket idea is a very interesting one. I suppose I do something similar with my PDA by sticking ideas into separate memo files. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have some means for recording ideas with me all the time, whether on paper (gasp) or digitally.

  4. Ryan, great post. This is very similar to what I do and described in my post “Draft Drafts“. Like Michael, though, I’ve not made it a policy to let things sit or stew for that long. I’ll have to give it a shot with a couple of posts.

  5. Google Notebooks – I would be lost without it. My wife is thrilled that I’m not printing out page after page of news article or blog post to pull the threads together. I just throw it in a Notebook and let it simmer.

    By the way, great links. Thanks for the leads…

  6. Believe it or not, after having tried nearly every idea-capturing tool under the sun (like Google Notebooks and Wridea), I have found that the DeadTree 1.0 platform featuring LiveInk works the best for me. 😉

    The only other thing I need is a voice recorder for when I’m commuting.

    Great article, Ryan. Nice to see you guest-blogging over here!

  7. @ Peter: I’ll have to check out Google Notebooks. Haven’t yet, and I like to stay on top of little tools like that. Sounds useful…

    @ Michael: Thanks!

  8. Great Article Ryan. I’ve tried several methods similar to buckets and chunks and I’m still evolving my process. I do try to capture as many thoughts as I can and have many draft posts going.

    Like Michael I find if I let them sit too long to bake they never come out of the oven. For me it’s less about luxury though and more about out of site out of mind.

  9. I can tell this works for Rob Bell. I saw him speak this past year and was simply put in awe at his presentation. His words. This thought process. His delivery. He presented something I had heard many times before, but was able to translate it in a whole new way.

    I like the bucket idea – I tend to store drafts like that as well, just in case I can formulate my thoughts more on a specific topic or subject.

  10. Hey Ryan! Great tips bro! 🙂
    I’ll probably be using whiteboard more, since you told me about it, I like the interface.

    “silly ideas and stories” – I tend to write a lot of those, some get deleted, but some I refine and publish. And those usually get the most traffic and comments, oh well.. hehe

  11. I just started my blog and I have already got quite a few drafts in publishing queue.

    I also write down raw ideas whenever they occur without paying attention to grammar and spelling mistakes. They can always be corrected later. The important thing is that I pin the dodgy ideas down with the pen 🙂

  12. great post Ryan. When I get an idea or even just the basis of a good post I save a draft on my blog to remind me to come back to it later. It’s so easy to forget good ideas so its important to make sure you come back to it 🙂

  13. Nice article, Ryan!

    I had already written some spontaneous ideas down and thought of another one last night when I couldn’t sleep. Your article reminded me that I hadn’t written that one down. When I wanted to do so, I just noticed my paper is gone.
    So I’m going to stop writing now and start searching like crazy! Maybe writing this down digitally is not such a bad idea (although my harddisk crashed last week :))

  14. Three cheers for Buckets and Chunks! In this world of information overload, getting little golden nuggets into their proper places until you’re ready to do something fun with them is the only way to go. Thanks for insight and reminder, Ryan. 🙂

    -Lani Voivod
    “A-Ha Yourself!”

  15. I LOVE this concept. It took me back to my MLM days when I had an “invisible” bucket next to my desk where I would “dump” all the “no’s”. Eventually that bucket would fill up and spill over, and inevitably, that spill over became results.

    I can absolutely see where the ideas will begin to form and come to life. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I was feeling a little overwhelmed earlier and have been looking for a way to make this a little better, and used the “buckets” approach – very helpful! Thanks!

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