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    WordPress Hosting That Means Business

    WordPress Hosting That Means Business

    Reader Comments (40)

      • Hey Keith! Your promotion is, as always, most appreciated.

        I’ll be sure to let you know when Synthesis’ affiliate program opens up to the public. Maybe even a little before. 😉

        In the meantime, you should consider Synthesis for your own hosting! We’d love to have you…

        • Thanks Jess
          Little ol me on Synthesis?
          Give it time for my Studiopress affiliate earnings to get going and who knows…

          Is an affiliate programme on the cards?

        • I’ve been happy since switching to your hosting a few months ago and would love to be able to add a banner on my blog or write up another review to promote it.

          My previous hosts throughout the years didn’t fully understand WordPress custom hosting. Synthesis got the hosting down perfect for us StudioPress folks. Also, thank you to the support team for answering my newbie questions a few months ago and transfering over my blog. It was painless and i didn’t have a heart attack while this was going on. lol

          I’ll be waiting one day to add a affiliate link. 🙂

    1. Hey Brian, will my Wishlist Member plugins work seamlessly with Synthesis?

      I’ve had a nightmare run with 2 other hosting companies over the last 21 days.

      • Donovan, yes we support WishList at Synthesis and have actually done quite a bit of tweaking in our security software to accommodate for the way it goes about its business. If there is something that needs further tweaking, we are fully committed to support Wishlist.

    2. As one of the early adopters, and developer of more than one of the sites listed above, I openly endorse the hosting service that Synthesis provides. This level of services has been sorely needed for a long time. Derick and team have put together an incredible service that has taken away the headaches involved with the hosting side of being a web developer.

      Hosting is the most easily overlooked (until something goes wrong) yet fundamental aspect of your site and is probably the single biggest bang for your buck when building your business online.

      Sorry if this sounds like an ad for Synthesis (no one paid me to say it), but as someone who builds sites, and often large and complex ones, I would encourage you to give Synthesis a try. You’re site will be faster, more secure and you’ll sleep better at night, at least I do!

    3. Thanks Scott! You’ve definitely brought us a few from your customer base with diverse requirements required by their content publishing business models. It has been fun for the entire team over here to rise to the challenge. Look forward to working with you this week on yet another established site you are bringing us.

    4. Guys – I’m really interested in this service. I’ve got a new site being finalised now so your hosting sounds ideal and very timely. One question – what happens if I opt for a plan (e.g. your starter plan) and I get a link from a high traffic site that exceeds the unique daily clicks for that package. Will the site cope before I upgrade the hosting?

      • Andy,

        We don’t have a hard ceiling on those published numbers and can definitely flex in order to take the spike. It is part of our design. If it continues to happen, we’ll get the signals on the back end that let us know we need to work with you to upgrade plans. We definitely try to remove the hosting headache’s which includes having to worry about whether your site is up when you get that big tweet.

    5. Sounds great! I am looking for an expert to build a wordpress multisite on the genesis platform on synthesis. I need to be able to scale a specific design for clients… Over and over again.

    6. The bottom line here, based on my own experience as a full time WordPress consultant, is that managed hosting is the best solution for WordPress bloggers adding content on a daily basis.

      You’ll see the difference over a one month period if you check out your average page loading speed across you entire site over this period. This is what Google looks at, NOT a single daily test on the home page.

      I tried VPS for 6 months at different levels with different providers and it was more than twice as expensive as managed hosting and no where near the speed i’m getting from a managed host.

      I also like the extra security managed hosting provides because there’s a huge amount of hacking and malicious injections targeted at WordPress users.

      • Brad/Michael, thanks for the positive comments. We’re actually launching a blog at Synthesis very soon that will take topics across the board in online publishing industry and focus on the production/operational aspects of them. One of our first few posts that you will see there is one that tackles the topic of “Cost Of Ownership”. We’ve really focused hard at Synthesis to provide both designer/developers as well as content publishers a platform that minimizes the non-sense and helps them focus on their primary business. Stay tuned. . . .

      • Greg, we do offer migration services that can include additional services from Sucuri. One service they provide is a comprehensive scan for back doors and security vulnerabilities on sites that have not been hacked. The second is a full dehacking and monitoring service at a discount from their stand alone pricing.

        We are evaluating a high caliber CDN offering for sites that require it. More to come on that front.

    7. Hey folks, I’d like to chime in as an extremely satisfied customer.

      First, let me define “extremely satisfied”. For clarity, I am happier with the Synthesis hosting than I am with any other service I currently pay for – personally or professionally. Period.

      A few months ago, GeekBeat.TV was hosted on its own server at Softlayer. It was a big server. 4 cores, 12GB RAM, Dual Raided hard drives. And the site more or less had it all to itself. Problem is, I had to manage it. And I’m no expert. I figured that if we threw enough iron at the back end, the site would hold up just fine. But there were other problems. Like OS security updates, application updates, caching – and then the occasional outage and ensuing fire drill.

      I was so sick of trying to keep the site up, but our site is mission critical so I really had no option. None of the other hosting providers new jack squat about WordPress hosting, so I’d have been worse off with them than doing it myself.

      Then the Synthesis team came along. I’ll tell you what makes a difference – they have sites that are just as heavily trafficked as ours! And they had already solved the scale and reliability problems for themselves. So I basically begged them to take on the challenge of GeekBeat.TV before they were even ready to launch a service, and being the nice guys they are (another important factor), they relieved me of my nightmares.

      GeekBeat.TV has been running on Synthesis for months now without a hiccup. In fact, the day we made the switch the site was instantly about 500% faster. How that is possible when they put it on a server no bigger than the one it was on is a mystery. But I don’t care.

      So, do what you will. But soon we’ll be migrating OneMansBlog.com and our other sites over, and I’ll get all that headache off my plate and then get back to what I love doing. Creating actual content.

      Thanks to the whole Copyblogger team!

      John P.

    8. I’ve been a happy customer for about 6 months now. Aside from the big improvement in my sites performance (big drop in response times, and far less spiky latency graph now) I’ve thrown all kinds of stuff at the Synthesis support team and they’ve been amazing. Great hosting, great support.

    9. Just thought I’d take this opportunity to say how truly fab Synthesis hosting has been for my small business. The customer support has been outstanding (special thanks to Cody for some terrific troubleshooting and follow-through). I signed up early on in your offering and have not regretted it for one moment. Thanks for all you’re doing!

    10. Hosting which is specialized for Genesis Framework… seems very much interesting… checking further..

    11. Do you know if they have any support for multiple IP addresses? Preferably multiple IP addresses on separate C-Blocks?

      Looks promising, I’d like to know more. Thanks.

    12. We have access to different class C blocks so there is some diversity across servers. However, we really do have to enforce a ‘business requirement’ rule on putting multiple IP addresses on a single server as they are not a commodity. Open a contact request at the synthesis main site and we can get into the details of your specific needs and provide you a more detailed response.

    13. I like the idea of this a lot but some questions:

      1) If I go for the Genesis hosted option do I get Genesis with it or do I need to buy and install myself, I’m no techie when it comes to WP.

      2) I assume I need a Child Theme to get my site built on top of Genesis, is this an extra item I have to buy and install separately? For example, I like the Magazine theme for Genesis, do I need to buy that separately.

      Apologies for the questions but it’s not very clear from the Plans and Pricing what the tick next to Genesis Framework really gets me.

      Thanks , Dylan

    14. Hi Dylan. Yes, you would get Genesis included and installed at no extra charge. The Magazine child theme would need be purchased, but since you will have Genesis, it’s only $24.95 instead of $79.95.

      Look for the link beneath the the purchase box that says: Already own Genesis? Buy just the Magazine child theme.

    15. So is the basic benefit of Synthesis that websites can adsorb larger traffic spikes and have more up time? Maybe I missed something in your post, but I didn’t see specifics as to why this is better than a regular host. I just see a lot of testimonials.

      I am quite a novice when it comes to the technical side of websites and am just trying to understand.

      My question is: Why or when would a website want to upgrade to your premium WordPress Hosting?

      I would also like to add that I recently purchased the Genesis framework and have been very happy with it so far.

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