Podcasts attract audience attention and build connection. You get that by now.
But have you ever stopped to consider how far the tentacles of one podcast episode can extend?
This is the subject of our next free Rainmaker Webinar: Start a Podcast to Attract Attention and Seed Your Content Library
Consider everything you get from a single episode — or can get, with a smidge more effort and a dollop of strategic thought …
- An episode that plays directly on your site
- An mp3 file for distribution via your feed to iTunes, Stitcher, and scores of other podcast channels
- A blog post that “sells the listen” that can generate traffic via search and social media
- A transcript of the episode provides more meaty content
- An ebook or section of an ebook (by editing, polishing, and combining transcripts)
- A video that could be uploaded to YouTube, one of the world’s largest search engines, or even used inside of a course (if you simply turn on your webcam as you record)
- An outline for an infographic or SlideShare presentation, or the start of an outline that can be combined with other episodes into the full, final version
- Idea development and practice delivering those ideas for in-person, on-stage presentations
- Content that could leverage the live video craze if you broadcast it via a Google Hangout or on Periscope
- A legitimate reason to have people send you voice recordings of questions, which then becomes a benefit of joining your membership site
Yeah. All that. From a podcast episode.
Also consider the following quick case studies, and how you might adapt the strategies for your own projects …
The Rainmaker Platform is a SaaS product that was launched with a series of seven podcast episodes that were then packaged up with three additional webinars into the New Rainmaker Training Course, which became a lead magnet for the Rainmaker email list. Do you think that a lot of Rainmaker Platform trials have originated from that list? Yes … a lot.
The Showrunner was launched as a podcast, which built audience attention and seeded the original Showrunner email list that helped drive the launch of The Showrunner Podcasting Course mere weeks after the podcast launch. The content of the podcast also seeded the autoresponder series and ebook we use to drive email registrations, and the presentations I’ve been giving across the country.
For my latest project, Primility Primer, I am conducting a live broadcast every weekday via both YouTube and Periscope, while simultaneously producing a high-quality local recording of the podcast — all in about a half-hour’s time, and all driving people to the email list and membership site that will eventually grow into something larger. (In about four weeks, I’ve already accumulated 20 polished mp3 files and videos that I can use to seed a content library and course. Podcasting FTW!)
And now …
Brian Clark is prepping to take all of the above and inject it with strategic steroids. He is launching his new project Unemployable as a podcast, which is attracting massive audience attention and building his free membership site.
We can all speculate about what Brian’s big picture plan is for Unemployable, and many of us are, but why speculate when he’ll simply explain it?
Well, as much of it as he knows right now anyway.
That’s the plan for the second free webinar he and I are hosting together later this month.
Brian and I have spent much of the last two years using podcasts to drive audience attention, seed courses and content libraries for email list building, and drive digital commerce.
We want to transfer much of what we’ve learned to you, as well as show you the nuts and bolts of how to do it with the Rainmaker Platform.
Start a Podcast to Attract Attention and Seed Your Content Library
The webinar will be held on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time. We’re only allowed a limited number of registrants, so don’t hesitate to sign up.
Again, it’s free.
Note: You can watch replays and keep tabs on the schedule for our Rainmaker Webinar Series right here.
We’ll see you on August 27. We’ll cover a lot of useful information, so it will be a smart investment of your time.
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