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    The Secret to Effective Content Promotion

    The Secret to Effective Content Promotion

    Reader Comments (30)

    1. In this instance, the “item” is collaboration.

      As irony would have it, Chris is having TravMonkey, someone who had the direct opposite viewpoint, guest blog for him.

      It’s strange how the world spins sometimes.


    2. It’s great to hear practical examples of promotion beyond “linking to other sites” and “comment on as many blogs as possible.”

      This is good insight and something to keep in mind for those of us wanting to build traffic.

    3. This is fantastic advice. I worked in communications before getting into SEO Copy and I don’t know why I didn’t make the connection about providing bloggers with a story or an item. (much like preparing a story for a reporter through a press release, down to writing in journalistic style).

    4. I’m wondering if this has more relevance to tech blogs than to a political writer’s blog. I can’t seem to find blogs that would link to political pieces or writing posts.

    5. Hey, great post! Thanks!

      I actually never thought of submitting my posts to other bloggers/websites. Usually I just leave it up to others to link back to my blog…with little success. But after reading this post, I’ll give it a try!!!

    6. This post shows the advantages of taking a proactive approach to building traffic.

      Personally I have usually taken the “build it and they will come” approach.

      But, as you point out, they won’t — not unless you tell them about what you’ve built.


    7. Your competition can often be your best sales affiliate.

      ‘Nuff said.

      Not ’nuff ? Okay, go find the highest ranking site(s) for your topic and find a way to help them serve their customers.

    8. A very nice post on how to promote blog contents in a slightly different way, Brian. A unique insight.

      Your competition can often be your best sales affiliate.

      Couldn’t agree more.

    9. “Savvy PR pros know that the way to get clients featured in the news is to do as much of the reporter’s job as possible.”

      Exactly. But you need to tell a reporter not just the facts of the story, but why it’s important.

    10. It seems easy enough to grasp, but finding that balance…finding what you want to convey, and getting it right. If I could put the pieces together, it would help!

    11. Brilliant!
      I was just hoping that after a few months of writing quality content, links would just naturally happen. Maybe I should be a little more aggressive…

    12. I going to have to say that I think Bobrink might be on to something..I think it’s fair to say that when you first start blogging and don’t have ‘high profile’ friends helping push your content to the masses you do need to get a little bit more aggressive when it come to promoting you blog.

      As much as I’ve seen Seth Godin referred to here, I still don’t see reference to Squidoo nearly as much as I would like.

      For a blogger trying to get noticed as a resource, Squidoo is a great tool for capturing long tail keywords and introducing your ideas to a captive audience…Anyway that’s just my two sense and we wouldn’t want you to go listening to a retard…lol

    13. To target your blog you should know your audience and make sure the content is 100% what your visitor is looking for.

      To many times blogs are up on the net with no purpose or no reason.

    14. It’s great to see a concrete example to emulate. Yes, I’m going to be ‘inspired’ by this way of promoting my site/blog.

    15. content rocks, if there is anything that your reader thinks is worthy of visiting your blog again, you get a lot of return visitors.

    16. This is a fantastic idea. You could also flip it – if you’re a blogger and you have no idea what to write for your next article, look for opposing viewpoints on something you care about and blog about it! A good example, link building using directories. You could find bloggers who say this is 100% useful and they highly recommend it, and find others who think it’s a waste of time and you should find natural ways of gaining link bait. (I’m in the latter of the two camps.) Then write a blog summing both stories up with your own experience.

      Oh, then submit it to somebody else to feature! Hehehe!

      The possibilities are endless!

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