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    Making a Living Writing Ebooks: Here’s How It Works Today

    Making a Living Writing Ebooks: Here’s How It Works Today

    Reader Comments (9)

    1. Sonia—thanks so much for this post! I have two ebooks in the works, and I have been pondering the best avenue to take with them. Your post has given me great food for thought! I’ve worked quite a few years with conventional book writing and publishing. The digital world, however, is the new universe I am exploring! Very helpful! Thanks again!

    2. Adding to the idea of having multiple books, I think putting together a series is a great way to go. If it has 5 books in the series together, you can sell it as a series or you can use book one to promote book two and so on. This seems to be a good strategy, especially on Amazon Kindle.

    3. This is 2017, and we should not forget how much we have traveled and written for the web. What I see, 95% of the e-books are rephrased and rewritten and the readers get cheated. The word “valuable” & “quality” are so misused and misinterpreted. I wish we had a garbage can for the net where we could just thrash the rubbish e-books and clean and give space to good and better for the coming generations.
      If we continue to do what we are doing now then the best books will sit ideal in some corner coughing to its last breath.

    4. You’ve motivated me to really look into this. I run a still small but growing blog about books but I never considered about writing an ebook myself.

      I’ve been struggling to think of ways to monetize my blog and this could be one way for me to do it among many others. I’m definitely going to look into how to actually create an ebook.

      Thanks for the motivation!

    5. I’ve always liked the “relationship builder” approach. Providing your audience with valuable and transformative information is a great way to build the trust necessary to convert them into customers. Thanks, Sonia!

    6. Writing an e-book is a great idea both for revenue and credibility, yet the challenge is to ensure that you are offering a valuable and captivating content to strengthen your reputation as an expert in your field. So, it offers major wins but requires dedicated time to get the e-book done.

      Thanks for sharing.

    7. Hi Sonia, I think the good ole’ sign up and grab your free ebook, report etc. has certainly become overused that I feel I’m always looking for additional ways to grasp reader’s attention and build that relationship. What I have found to be quite useful is publishing to Kindle not for the $ as you mention but as a relationship builder. I include a CTA with a give away within the book, which has quickly helped to grow my list.

    8. Truly, the good old days really are gone and the ebook game has certainly changed for everyone, but as you eluded to in your opening, it’s still very possible to make a living online writing ebooks.

      Let’s be honest, it’s always about the strategy right ?

      It’s ALWAYS about the strategy.

      A good strategy is going to always deliver better than marginal results and you’ve definitely provided a lot of great nuggets of information and some data to support your headline in this post.

      What I love about ebooks is that anyone can do it regardless of skill level.

      Unfortunately, the sad thing about it as the ebook arena has become more competitive is that some of the best literature never makes it to the masses because of a poor marketing strategy.

      With that said, as you’ve also eluded to here in your post, people are accustomed to buying ebooks for a few dollars and honestly, most people that write ebooks especially in the beginning want to charge more than that which is usually not possible without a reputation and credibility and top tier quality.

      Those ingredients aren’t typically found in ebooks by new writers all at once and are typically acquired more consistently over time as their experience and audience grows.

      Yet, even with that said, there is still hope and even more true to fact as supported by data that making a living writing ebooks can be done when you put in the work and follow a strategy that can deliver results.

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