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    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #25: LeTrip.org

    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #25: LeTrip.org

    Reader Comments (33)

    1. Well illustrated and nicely explained to reduce the bounce rate by creating a good landing page.

      It’s also better to customize the 404 error page with the related posts saying that “what you are looking for is not here. Try these!”

      And the use of social media icons will be helpful in sharing the the article on n/w sites so that other people get benefit from it

    2. @sonia LOL
      Really great article especially number 2-4.

      If I hadn’t read this post I may not have known what the main purpose was.

      Roberta you kickassetts with these clinics!

    3. @Darren – thanks, I come from a long line of kickasseters.
      @Shane – I think a video would definitely add a boost, but folks need to be able to ascertain the point of the site within 2-3 seconds without watching a video.

    4. Nice one, Roberta.

      I agree that Jill’s blog could be a huge asset to her business just for showing who she is, while at the same time making sure she gets the business from people she would like too.

    5. Dear Roberta

      You are magnifique and so is the horse you rode in on! Really looking forward to implementing your concepts. Thank you for your support of Heifer Internation, also!

      Salutations les meilleures!

    6. Roberta,

      Thank you so much for all of your great tips! I’m a tad confused, though;

      Shouldn’t a true landing page really have just center column content, no sidebars-no links etc?

      Like the one that’s linked to my name up above, and was helped along by a certain Third Triber?


      The Franchise King®

    7. Hi Roberta,

      This is what I’m talking about. it’s from one of your earlier articles…

      “Remove all extraneous matter from your landing page. This includes navigation bars, visual clutter, and links to other sections. You want the reader focused solely on your copy, your supportive visuals, and the offer you’re making without being tempted to wander around the room.”

      The Franchise King®

    8. @Joel, there are all sorts of landing pages. There are the center column, long-form sales letter types … squeeze pages … lots more. Website or blog home pages are another version of a landing page. Its job, however, is to drive visitors deeper into the site rather than generate an immediate sale or sign-up.

    9. This is great! I love these make-overs! I wish I could be as niche as this so I could get a make-over 🙂

      You are great Roberta! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent and knowledge.

    10. Fantastic analysis. Very good points on how to optimise a landing page for increased sales.

      Point 7 is a good one :
      “Organize your site for selling and telling. Use your blog to illuminate Jill’s personal style and take.”

      Translated : get rid of confusion and unnecessariness (I just made that word up, btw).


    11. Hi Roberta

      Your tips are really helpful!
      Why don’t you write some sort of book containing more makeovers? I think internet marketers would REALLY appreciate it!

      Mario C.

    12. Very nice post. Made me rethink the general style of the website. Over time I think it got a bit out of target range.
      Thanks for the extra work 🙂

    13. An excellent article as always Roberta.

      It never ceases to amaze me how each month the landing page has completely different issues and solutions. I never fail to learn something that I can apply to my own situation.

      Keep up the great work!

    14. @Pat – thanks for the kind comment. From my vantage point, interestingly enough, I find that most of the problems and challenges I see are similar – it’s how those problems are expressed that are different. (Loved your Bettie Page inspired pin-up portraiture! When I grow up, I’d love to do portrait photography. Nothing is more interesting to me than the human face.)

    15. Roberta, amazing critique. Your website is like a high performance car, you can tweak it which ever way you want it, but it has to qualify for the race.

    16. “be clear as to the purpose of your site ”

      Isnt it amazing how many webmasters get this basic rule wrong? Theres nothing worse than hitting a site and thinking “I dont get it? What is this site about/offering???”

    17. I met with a lady just yesterday that operated a homewares website. She was frustrated because she wasnt making any sales. After spending about 2 hours with her, it became obviously apparent that she had really underestimated whats involved in running a successful online business. When I returned to the office I had a look over her site and the homepage was so cluttered and confusing – all I could think was “No Wonder!”

    18. Hi Roberta
      Your tips are really helpful!
      Why don’t you write some sort of book containing more makeovers? I think internet marketers would REALLY appreciate it!

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