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    Beware the Ideas of March

    Beware the Ideas of March

    Reader Comments (20)

    1. I’m right on track because my New Year’s resolution is always to make no resolutions. However, I am constantly working toward my goals. I have general assignments and dates set and I stick with them.

    2. “There’s no harm in changing your goals. ”
      I think a lot of people are afraid of shifting gears because they hold onto the hope that if they just stick it out a little longer what they want to happen will happen. But sometimes you have to recognize the situation has changed and you need to change in order to keep up.

    3. Hi Pamela,

      Your post is so timely for me. I was just re-evaluating my goals for 2013. Like most, I certainly made some resolutions related to my online business objectives. I am pretty well sticking with them. The only thing I changed was that I started a new blog that caters to the needs of the readers of my main site.

      The new blog is starting to do quite well. Just yesterday I introduced a new challenge there. It really is aimed at the beginner bloggers or the ones whose blogs are not performing so well.

      I called the challenge “How to make money blogging – 60 minutes to success”. It will be interesting to see how that goes.

      I guess, the bottom line is that one has to continuously oversee their online business to determine what is working, how to better something that is not working as well, and primarily to stay focused and not jump from project to project.

      Thanks for sharing this wonderful article with us.



    4. Thank you! This a great reminder, not only that it’s okay change or “edit” my goals, but that it’s okay to do so in business and in everyday life.

    5. This post is quite timely and very applicable. I often share with clients and even blog readers the importance of setting actionable goals. It’s nice to have a wish, but a wish doesn’t get you anywhere, except excited for a brief moment. But a real goal, with specific objectives and dates, can be something that truly helps you move forward. And this point in the quarter/month/year, is an excellent time to evaluate those goals.

      The most important point you made was not to spread yourself too thin. Very big point! It’s better to do one or two things well than to do ten or twelve poorly or not at all. Once you get those few things done or well in-hand, you can always expand to tackle the next goal or task.

    6. Thanks for the article. That’s right on target, for me especially.

      I am now on my goal no. 2. The 1st is to have a blog and the 2nd is to extensively practice kitchen skills and home management stuff so that come middle of the year, I can specialize or create a niche for this “general-topic” blog of mine. Experts say it’s best to create a niche first before launching into the blogosphere. I didn’t get to follow that because I was so eager to get the feel of things, practice, experiment etc. The readers are just my friends for now. 🙂 And some occasional “strays.” Besides I felt I have so much more to share. The only thing I need is time. So this is the reality check for me – the time I can dedicate to implementing things for my blog.

      You know, it feels kinda good to hear from an expert and compare it to my current status and see that I’m not really out of track. That just goes to show that if we really work on our goals – the SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound goals) we will really be seeing goals turn to reality. So for a beginner, with very relative criteria, I would dare to give myself a 6.7! 🙂

    7. I love the twist on “ides” of March to “ideas” of March. I too really like to re-evaluate as I go along. Thanks for a great post. blessings, Amy

    8. I’ve been watching this Copyblogger post with great interest because of the headline. It’s different than what I usually see here. It’s more of a “Chris Brogan” headline.

    9. Well, the beginning of this year was a little weird for me. I moved back into Madison Wisconsin after living in California. And I can’t say that I’m to happy about the weather here. But, as an entrepreneur you try to focus on the “what’s next,” not the “holy crap! What do I do now?”

      Looking back at my businesses that have failed in the past, I can say that I have set my sights higher this year then any other year.

      Once I moved back here in Madison a bug went up my butt to get my “stuff” together and work hard. Harder then I have ever worked before.

      You know what? It’s been a pretty darn good start of my year!

      You know what’s funny about this post? I was just thinking to myself, “Oh boy, what do I do now?”

      And after reading this, I can say that I’m encouraged.

      Thanks Pamela Wilson for writing this,

      Alexander John

    10. I quit my job on the Ides of March. Sad to say that it wasn’t to set out on my own ventures — I just got a job with a different company — but it is a step up and will hopefully lead to setting out on my own soon. I appreciate your encouragement.

    11. In general, i never know from day to day if I’m going to win. All i know is that I’m determined not to lose. Sure, i have big plans. Little plans fully successful will yield equally little. So, the idea is to challenge oneself. One giant leap may only get me a broken leg. One small step may be enough reason to quit. Somewhere in between is that happy place where I see advancement. Be it small or great, it helps. Slow progress is better than no progress. Move the ball forward. i deal with resistance as it comes. Good article.

    12. Hi Pamela,
      Awesome post, and so very true! I think one sentence says it all in your article ; “make plans based on reality, not on hope.” I felt a bit of guilt when I read this particular sentence but that’s good motivation! Well, this year, I didn’t really make any resolution. I don’t think it works for me! It may work for others but in most cases, they’ve all vanished after mid January lol!

      Paragraph number 4 ” Looking forward” is my favorite and it’s definitely the best way to approach this “failed resolutions”, if I may say so! I used to think this way back at school too! ‘Ok, I have 3 months left to prove that I can do this” rather than ” Oh, what have I done, or what if I had done….”!!

      Fighting resistance– and it’s millions of different forms– is the way forward! I also agree with Louis Thibault’s comment about slower progress being better than no progress!

      You guys have a great day!


    13. Actually a very good point to start looking both back and ahead when you are in march 🙂 It’s fun how we always focus on the news year eve, while it would probably be better to do it monthly or at least quarterly ..

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