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    Seven Must-Read Articles for Freelancers

    Seven Must-Read Articles for Freelancers

    Reader Comments (25)

    1. Ha, I have reason to celebrate now! Thanks for the link, Brian. This is a nice little collection for writers. There are a few I haven’t read, so I’ll go have a peek now.

      Enjoy your celebrations today. We’re still recovering from ours from the 1st 😉

    2. Brian, thanks for putting up this list. On a side note I’m also going through the teaching sells course at present and it is excellent.

    3. Thanks Brian and happy 4th! I’m going to need my musicology fix pretty soon – are you available for say an hour or two of “why the 70’s was a better music decade than the 90’s”?

      In the meantime, keep teaching us and all the best!

    4. Great lists and valuable tools.

      I’d never want a “safe job”. It’s the scariest thing in the world, to me. I have lots of friends losing their safe jobs and unable to find new ones. I can lose a client or two, but I’m never unemployed.


    5. Thanks for the link Brian! As a long time Copyblogger subscriber it was so cool to pull up today’s post and find that I was part of it. Have a very Happy 4th of July and thanks for adding to my celebration!


    6. Happy 4th to you as well. I really liked Google’s logo and image for the 4th of July. I have noticed that Google is starting some very complex tactics in its ranking system. Yahoo better follow quickly because it will be left behind in the dust.

      God Bless!


    7. What’s great in writing content for the social web is that it could be globally collaborative. Freelancing or not, that is something thoroughly amazing.

      Happy Independence Day to everyone at Copyblogger!

    8. Thanks for the leads! These 7 articles are just a beginning of a whole new ocean of information a freelancer should know.

    9. Brian, thanks for putting up this list. On a side note I’m also going through the teaching sells course at present and it is excellent

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