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    Introducing The Digital CMO: Corporate Marketing for Those Who Live in the Future

    Introducing The Digital CMO: Corporate Marketing for Those Who Live in the Future

    Reader Comments (10)

    1. We’re five episodes in now – here are some of the great guests we’ve had:

      – 2015 Content Marketer of the Year
      – One of the local marketing industry’s best-known pundits
      – A political marketer who’s run multiple presidential and congressional campaigns
      – A cartoonist who has changed cultures at hospitals and companies like Microsoft and Zappos
      – Two Hollywood movie marketers

      Hope you’ll check us out and subscribe!

      • Hi Preston:

        Not sure I follow (maybe because my neighborhood coffeeshop was closed this morning) – In what way are you saying corporate marketing isn’t being capitalized?

      • Kamiya, that’s a question with a lot of variables: Industry, goals, budget, etc. In general, we review metrics monthly and the strategy at least twice a year. One pitfall to avoid is pivoting too often so that you never give a strategy a chance to work. If you have a decent plan, I’d say a gentle pivot mid-year, and a complete reassessment annually is about right.

    2. Hi Mike ,

      I think content marketing startegy should be in plan of every business even it is small or big.But constanlty updatting startegy would be win win for anyone .Like always made change whenever i feel need.

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