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    How to Stop Drowning in Data and Begin Using Your Metrics Wisely

    How to Stop Drowning in Data and Begin Using Your Metrics Wisely

    Reader Comments (3)

    1. Data saturation is everywhere. We’ve often had the belief that more is better; however, that actually isn’t true in the case of data. The rapid rise in our ability to collect data hasn’t been matched by our ability to support, filter and manage the data. As an example, think about the first problem that people complain about when a city experiences great growth – the roads are too crowded. The infrastructure can’t keep up.

      • Totally agree, Sweta. Also, just because something is easy to measure, doesn’t mean it’s useful.

      • I know what you mean. More data is probably way too much data. Its just like all the explosive growth down here in the Austin, TX region, way too much traffic, no way these roads can handle it. Result: Gridlock and a multi hour trip just to buy groceries. Sometimes I feel like there is way too much data online.

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