Free Report: How to Become an Entrepreneur

Free Report: How to Become an Entrepreneur

Reader Comments (48)

  1. Thank you Brian for the wonderful report and for all the great articles on Copyblogging. I look forward to reading and learning more about you and the world of blogging.

  2. I’ve been a big fan of your Teaching Sells methodology and also Copyblogger for a while. You have a very crisp, insightful way of presenting good content. I’m sure your new report will be just as good as all your other content.

    Jamie Turner

  3. Thanks for the report Brian, and you made it so easy to get 🙂 I can relate to you when it comes to failing miserably, succeeding miserably and learning my lesson the hard way. Best lesson ever learnt because it gave me the steely determination needed to forge on at all costs. I’m also very interested in learning about the market research approach so I’ll get to reading right away.
    Ernest Hemingway said: The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.

  4. Just finished the report and I’m most interested in the Automate (Don’t Duplicate).

    I’m wondering how I can create a system for my creative process that doesn’t stifle me. Looking forward to more info about this.

  5. Brian-
    Took me 20 minutes to read. I love how all entrepreneurs have their watershed moment.

    To Everybody Reading this-
    I’ve been a raving fan of Brian’s work ever since enrolling in Teaching Sells. To anybody who has NOT taken courses with this man? Get on the program.

  6. Certainly we do not have to provide emails because our all emails are with you. It can be of my elder brother or of younger brother. You have all emails. Lollzz

    So getting again and giving load to your database does not make any sense.

  7. Thanks for the report Brian. It was great to see more of your personal journey. Your story is powerful for others to hear.

    It does read really fast, too. I was studying the word choice to see how you pulled it off. I couldn’t come up with anything new, but was reminded of what Trinity once said: “You move like they do. I’ve never seen anyone move that fast.” 😛

    Thanks again Brian. Your writings educate me on the ideas, as well as how to write them.

  8. Thank you for buckling down, and doing the hard work. I really think the market research snippet will cause me to download the report 🙂

    Seriously, I know how long this stuff takes to put together, and you have gone above and beyond in moving the free line. I tip my hat to you sir and to your entire team. Truly an upward call for all of us serious about publishing great content-and enjoying the rewards.

  9. @Chris, Brian and I are both blissfully happy to leave all of the cold calling in the world to you. Rocket science I think I could figure out; cold calling not so much.

  10. Great story Brian, thank you for sharing that and of course setting up the course, which I await eagerly.

    It wasn’t clear whether this is purely for global businesses or will also work for people just wanting to establish themselves locally offering specific services. I’m hoping the later as I don’t want to go into Real Estate either 🙂

  11. Cold calling…not my thing. Good luck with that though Chris, you are good at it.

    I know b/c I got a phone call from you. @sonia thanks for all your and Brian do-seriously.

  12. just downloaded the pdf to my htc hero to read on the way to work tonight. thanks for the pdf will post back my feedback hopefully later tonight. i like 31 pages, it’s a nice small easy to get finished quickly number 🙂

  13. Hello Brian…
    Where to begin? I wonder if people realize how simply brilliant your report is?
    Living in the middle of nowhere (north Sask) can give me the best and worst of perspectives on the world…wide open and how the hell do I get there from here.
    A pragmatic business relationship with an extremely creative, highly social industry has convinced me of this: no matter where/ how you do business, a sound, flexible, appropriate, delivery system is incredibly valuable, but the creative, ‘uplifting’ take on a message that speaks to many… priceless.
    What a great read. Waiting for more with real enthusiasm.
    p.s. my take on my many mistakes…’fail forward’

  14. Brian,

    This is solid material and I’m thankful for it. Your points about feeder businesses, and the examples provided, are great. Thanks for the inspiration,


  15. I just download your PDF file Brian. I’m looking forward to read and learn about your success and failures. I’m sure there will be lots of good information in the book.

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