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    How to Invite Your Creative Angel and Devilish Editor to Help You Write

    How to Invite Your Creative Angel and Devilish Editor to Help You Write

    Reader Comments (6)

    1. Simple but awesome post Pamela Wilson. You are right, Creative Angel is that part of our brain that encourages us.

      Thanks for sharing your valuable tips with us.

    2. I read a post a few years ago from Damian where he spoke about how it helped him to completely forget about editing or spelling in his first draft.

      He said to just get the words out in the best way he could and then step away from it. I used to be in such a rush to hit the publish button. I don’t know why I felt like I needed to get it done quickly but being able to step away for a few hours and come back to it with my “editing cap” on has really made a huge impact on my writing.


    3. Great post Pamela!

      Very concise and organized article about some of the main issues marketers face. This will help those of us who write to be cognizant and pay attention to our Creative Angels and Devilish Editors. Hopefully this awareness will cut back on frustrations and writers-block!

    4. Great article! Helped give voice to a problem I’m constantly battling. Humble tip: to help my Creative Angel “write forward not backward,” I use an app called iA Writer. It abstracts away all the formatting so that you’re forced to focus only on the words, but there’s also a mode which grays out the last paragraph or even the last word you wrote so that you aren’t tempted to look back. Worth a google.

    5. Pamela, great advice which I second (although I am no authority anyway near to your expertise).

      I have found that editing an article is harder than writing in free flow. I normally take a couple of days to write say 2000 words article but then need at least 3 or 4 days to chop, change and refine it.

      @Britt – I found Calmly Writer to do more or less the same as you described. Great little tool for writing in free-mode. Cheers

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