Two weeks ago I wrote a post about how re-purposing headlines from the magazine Cosmopolitan can help you come up with ideas for blog posts and articles. I invited readers to try it for themselves, and plenty did.
So, let’s take a look at what people came up with. The really cool part is that several readers let me know that the articles they wrote using this technique brought in tons of traffic. One even revealed that her Cosmo attempt became the most popular post she’s ever written.
Not too shabby.
Now, on to the links.
The 22 Best Newsletter Tips Ever
Talk Like an Online Marketing Pro- 10 Terms You Have to Know
Ten Paper Tigers Scaring You Away from Your Creative Ideas
Teaching Sells: 12 Weeks To A Brighter Future On The Internet
Tweet Better: 9 Unconventional (and Slightly Badass) Ways to use Twitter
Your Mental Health as a Writer: Crucial Facts Copyblogger Forgot to Mention
12 Effective (and Slightly Badass) Ways to be the Sexiest Guy in the Room
My 17 Best Business Tips for Real Estate Agents
Shocking: 68% of Bloggers Do This in Bed
7 Reasons Florida is Better Than North Carolina
Home Schooling Mom Spills Secret: “I don’t record grades until high school!”
5 traits of successful people and how to apply them in your life
7 Motivational Quotes To Start Your Day, Everyday!
A Crucial Tip ‘Copyblogger’ Forgot to Mention About the Long Tail
The 22 Best Winter Meeting Tips Ever
Your Back Pain: Crucial Facts Your Doc Forgot To Tell You
Your Business’s Health: Crucial Facts Your Ad Agency Forgot to Mention
10 Things Beaders Want for Christmas
Blog designers revealed: the little white lies we tell clients (and what we really mean)
My 22 Best On-Camera Interviewing Tips Ever
Book More Shows: The 10 Best Music Gig Books Ever
Pull Ahead Faster: 7 Simple (And Cheap) Ways To Market Your Small Business Online
Consumers Spill: White Lies They Tell Businesses/Business Owners All the Time
How to be a total reader magnet: pulling the readers that you want
Six Ways To Keep Your Lover And Blog Readers Clamoring For More
My 10 Best Web Marketing Tips Ever
3 Must Have Social Networks … You Are Behind the 8 Ball Without Them
Top Secrets for Overcoming Your Obstacles
Debt Collectors Revealed: 5 Lies We Tell Consumers (And How to Stop Them)
A special shout-out to BlogGrrl for telling her readers to swipe trashy headlines months ago.
P.S. If I missed your post, let me know.
Reader Comments (30)
Thanks for the links Brian. This was a great, fun learning experience
Some of those articles are really really good! thanks for the excellent advice!
Thanks for the “My 10 Best Web Marketing Tips Ever”
Brian I read about half of them and need to take a break. There is so much information here it is hard to take it all in in one sitting. Thanks for another great post. I already have some great ideas for some awesome headlines to my upcoming posts.
Oooh ! I like those headlines with ‘Crucial’ in them.
I’ll have to try that next, along with a few ‘Talk Like…’ and a couple of ‘Must Have…’ and maybe a reference to ‘Bed’.
Thanks for the effort you put into this and for the link leak you gave unto me this Holiday Season.
I guess a lot of people really did find writing with headlines much more inspiring than just sitting around and waiting for an idea to drop on their heads. Recently, I found out that I write better when I already have a title in mind. Granted, it’s not a Cosmo-like headline and I don’t have to enumerate anything but it narrows down the article to a specific direction. I had to check out the 22 best writing tips ever article. Very helpful, indeed.
One thing I noticed is that there is almost always a superlative and a number. Ten best…top ten…5 crucial…8 awesome…22 Energizing…12 Crucial.
And they sell all the time!
And I never noticed that until now! Thanks a lot for the tip, Brian.
Well done Everyone!
Many of those titles do a great job of enticing me to click to learn more.
Thanks for the update.
In addition to the headline of mine you’ve featured here, I tried others – and even used headlines from other magazine covers (at to model some headlines… and ALL of them pulled more readers in than the usual ‘lame’ ones I’d come up with myself!
What an elegantly simple way to boost blog readership – for FREE!
Strange enough, I’ve known of and used this technique while writing headline copy for sales letters – but hadn’t thought of it for blog titles! Thanks, Brian, for the copywriting gem
All success
Yes that’s right Brian, I got a lot of good feedback for that post and it’s one of the most commented articles at my Personal Development Blog.
Thanks for the link =)
Thanks Brian! This was a great exercise for me, and one of the most enjoyable and successful posts I’ve written thus far. I can’t wait to use the Cosmo Headline Technique again in the near future!
-Melissa Donovan
Writing Forward
Brian, thanks for the link karma and the inspiration to write this piece. It was one of my most successful pieces to date too.
I found lots of headline possibilities in Cosmo and will be using it again in the new year… Also borrowed elements of their article style too – going for a “dos” and “don’ts” list which isn’t my normal style but people seemed to like.
The bit I found hardest was making the transition from the headline to the body of the article – until I came back and rummaged through the Copyblogger archive that is, and found your advice on carving out the opening paragraph.
I’d say for me that made a bigger difference in constructing the piece than the headline itself. So double thanks.
Thanks for the link, Brian. I loved the fact that having someone toss out a challenge to me made for a better post, better writing and better content. (Ahh, free inspiration…!) It was a great idea and a lot of fun to work on.
This was excellent information. I too prefer to use eye cathing and keyword rich headlines as opposed to headlines that are “fun”.
This list of article links was a creative way to make a great point, Brian.
I would have liked the article list better if the article titles were sorted by “Cosmo title” instead of the apparently random order. e.g.
From the “22 Best Relationship Tips Ever”:
– The 22 Best Newsletter Tips Ever
– The 22 Best Writing Tips Ever
– My 22 Best Design Tips Ever
– The 22 Best Winter Meeting Tips Ever
– My 22 Best On-Camera Interviewing Tips Ever
– The 22 Best Study Tips Ever
From “A Shocking Thing 68% of Chicks do in bed”:
My last few posts are based on your Cosmo advice!
I helps to pique basic instincts.
I am one of your greatest fans!
Thanks Brian.
Looks like this guy may be scraping your content?
Yeah, that guy is a total asshat.
Oh I just sent an email contacting you about that guy who copied your content… should have read the comments here earlier.
I think a few journalists need to learn this skill. With so much content on the web, titles often make the difference between success and failure.
This is just not for bloggers, but for every writer.
Now I have an excuse for looking at those magazines in the checkout aisle!
I really love this advice, and I find that in post writing, writing the headline first really does help me deliver better copy.
yeah, brian congratulations. it seems you have a lot more new readers or bloggers than i thought. keep copypolitan! lol.
Really nice sounding headlines, Thanks for the good info and links. Some of them had a lot of great information
I also like to visit to get headline ideas. I get a lot of ideas there to use in my PPC campaigns. =)
I’m a little late with this – I only found the cosmo article yesterday, but it got me inspired so I used it to write a post for Living by Design
“Learn Faster: 12 Effective (and super easy) Ways to Do It”
thanks for a great tip
with best wishes
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