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    Blogging Grows Up

    Blogging Grows Up

    Reader Comments (14)

    1. This blogging field is truly moving at the speed of sound. It amazes me everyday. As a full-time 9-to-5r, I find it hard to keep up with the latest, considering the little time I have to blog. Even though I go to Darren’s site almost every day, the day I don’t, something big happens, and as always, another blogger fills the knowledge gap. Fantastic!


    2. I have never been a die-hard, avid blog reader but have always had this desire to start my own blog. The fact that I could be paid to blog for someone else never even crossed my mind. The ways that someone can work for a living is incredible.

    3. Hey, thanks for the mention. And yes Michael, people do get paid to blog. It is a great marketing vehicle as well as customer service. I think businesses will begin to wake up to the benefits.

    4. Finally!! Blogging starts developing as a profession! I was getting worried I’d thrown all my chips on the table too early. Businesses in the UK are still probably a year away from adopting blogging in any great numbers.

      I guess there is no reason why a blogger’s employer can’t be from the North Pole. Blogging in essence is about relationships based on interest rather than geography. Quite appropriate that this applies to the relationship between blogger and employer as well.

    5. You’re able to put what I would have taken many more words to say – and probably garbled ones at that – into the clearest possible form. You make excellent points, as do your always helpful commenters. As usual, Matt Ambrose is on top of things: I wouldn’t have heard that Santa was looking for blogging help for months without Matt.

      And talk about being about relationships – I’ve had one with Santa for half a century, so this would be my idea long distance gig.

    6. It’s heartening to see blogging finally emerging as a profession. Up till now it was just a medium to generate ad revenue (I think it still is a more profitable way of earning in the long run). Yesterday I too blogged about the ProBlogger board.

      This reminds me, I’ve been asking around here and there: whenever I link to a post, my trackback link doesn’t appear on that blog. I’ve made the necessary settings in the WordPress control panel, but it’s not working. These days I’m using Windows Live Writer to post.

    7. It seems logical that blogging is now a job. I view it as just another subdivision of copywriting. It has basically the same purpose for a business.

      BUcktowndusty, I hear you. One of my friends stopped working out just to get the time to blog after work…He’s now gained about 15 pounds, but he seems really happy 🙂

    8. I teach a class to small business owners, all Realtors, on blogging and have had a few ask me if they could pay me to write a blog for them. I can’t imagine where I would come up with enough content unless I made them all the same.
      Love your blog!

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