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    Authority Pro for WordPress: Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Trust

    Authority Pro for WordPress: Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Trust

    Reader Comments (9)

    1. Nice. The bit that caught my eye in this post was the built-in area for the lead-capture form. I can’t find many other online reviews of Authority Pro though.

    2. Hey Brian,

      Being a WordPress Theme Developer, I always seek for the motivation and having such design on the market can spark many eyes.

      I like the elegant spacing and the thumbnails used. It’s always good to see a new theme coming.


    3. Such a beautiful design! Authority Pro is by far one of the best themes I’ve seen for WordPress and it’s so damn fast. Keep up the good work!

    4. I just got into blogging again and wanted a new theme to revive my dead blog. And the best one which was suggested to me by friends was Authority Pro. Just wanted to see the demo and read the details. And, I must say I am really impressed by this.

      And great work Brian 🙂

      Hoping that it would help me get my dead blog to life again. 🙂

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