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    Performancing Blog Awards: What Do You Think?

    Performancing Blog Awards: What Do You Think?

    Reader Comments (27)

    1. I’m still wondering why writing and blogging were jammed into the same category, when they’re really two distinct actions. Related, yes. The same? Hell, no.

      Oh well. You still have a kick-ass design, Brian, much to the envy of the rest of us.

    2. One of my favorite blogs of all time..! I’ve voted and asked some of my friends to vote too!
      I like all of Pearson’s designs..cheers.

    3. A site that simply pulls a bunch of jobs and lists them isn’t “the best” of anything- except maybe relisting. Some of these sites are simply up here because the community is lemming-esque.

    4. There are lots and lots and lots of blogs out there on how to drive traffic through seo, social networking and so on.
      But there are so few – relatively-speaking – on how to drive traffic – quality traffic – through writing quality content. This blog is a gem, and far more people should read it!

    5. What an honor to be listed in blog award categories…You deserve it.

      I’ll head over there and cast my vote right now.

      Thanks for all of your valued posts. I look forward to reading each one of them.

    6. Go Brian! You’re my fave out of all the nominees, and I’ve voted for you there. And when I checked, you were in the lead by a LOT. So don’t stress, you’re doing fine, and deservedly so.

      Albert | UrbanMonk.Net
      Modern personal development, entwined with ancient spirituality.

    7. And another thing ..


      Forgot to mention how people are depending too much on imagery, at the moment, in their blogs, (and that includes people such as advertising account planners).

      Imagery is, of course, a crucial element in effective communication (for all sorts of reasons) but I think it’s really being used and abused because it’s so easy just to download a photo, instead of communicating an idea – something interesting and worthwhile – through words.

      I tend too get nervous now as soon as I see a ‘play’ sign or a page covered in images. Instead, I prefer to focus on blogs that just have good, interesting and flowing copy (and then I feel a lot calmer). I am sure there are many others who think the same ? (!)

    8. I am brand new to blogs (both to the reading and the writing). I have added your blog to my feed. I’m trying to be fairly selective, but it’s obvious from Seth Godin’s mention, and from the comments of others, you know what you are doing. Thank you.

    9. Is there a category for most controversial blogger? After reading your posts on digg and google you definitely have guts.

    10. I voted for you…

      I really do believe you have the best writing blog. I do think writing and blogging should be a separate category, however.

      Good luck to you!

    11. One of my favorite blogs of all time..! I’ve voted and asked some of my friends to vote too!
      I like all of Pearson’s designs..cheers.

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