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    The Winners of the Twitter Writing Contest Are…

    The Winners of the Twitter Writing Contest Are…

    Reader Comments (103)

    1. Not to be whatever, but you could have gotten a lot more contests and drove traffic if you had spread out some of your prizes over more than just this one contest!

      I think the generosity was awesome, but you could have capitalized on it. Just think – 4 or 5 more contests – tons more buzz…just a thought!

    2. Am I the only one here who thinks Brian’s description of Darren Rowse as “some guy in Australia :-)” is absolutely LMFAOAROFL-worthy? :))

    3. Wow, these are all so good. There were a lot of really strong entries, kudus to everyone who played!

      @Daniel Smith, I love the slide show you did for the entries, very cool indeed.

    4. Lots of endings and lots of gunshots – and thanks Daniel, for the TwitLit slideshow. Fun to watch.

    5. It honors me to be able to copywrite a Copyblogger post.

      Brian, you said, “hear we go”. May I correct you and say it should’ve been “here we go”?

      (Check just above the first place blockquote.)

    6. I loved this whole concept and the contest. Really appreciated @Daniel Smith’s slide show too! Thanks for including our Better Business Blogging program as a prize for the second place winner. We look forward to connecting with Anthony.

    7. Delighted to be a prize sponsor of such a clever contest — judging must’ve been a blast (and difficult — these winners were A-list!) Let’s make this annual.

      A great display of using CHOICE in writing; you can SEE every scene these winners paint. Perfect proof that “Evocative Economy” is a valuable skill, a useful talent, and a joy to read whether in sales copy, infotainment, fiction or screenplays. Bravo!

    8. Congratulations to all of the winners! How fantastic and fun this was.

      Thanks to Brian, the judges, and copyblogger.com for this wonderful idea.

      I hope we will see another contest in the future, because it was a blast, and actually put a fire under me to start writing again.

      Thanks to everyone who contributed. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your entries.

    9. Wow, those are some great stories! I love #1 and #3 the most. I can see why mine didn’t stand a chance. 😉 Congrats to the winners, and thank you to Brian and all of the judges for this fun contest!

    10. Yes, congrats to the winners and I still think it was just an absolutely fun contest that really gets the creative juices going and by the response in the comments of the original contest post it was incredible. Fun stuff to read.

    11. those were SO fun to read!!!! Let’s see, the one I want to read is…hmm…I want to read the “violent onception” one. Also the funeral one. Wow everyone, that was fun.

    12. Wow, they are so good! Congratulations.

      p.s. Submit comment button is a bit messed up (Camino Mac OS X – it’s outlined and there’s a text word “submit” over the image), don’t know if it’s always like that, don’t remember commenting before.

    13. A huge thank you to everyone involved. After seeing some of the other winners, I feel very lucky to have been selected. This would have been fun even without the prizes…but the prizes make it even better!

    14. Congrats to the winners and the runner ups and all the others who got creative and chugged out some awesome stories.

      Thanks to Daniel and hit TwitLit we can see them forever now.

    15. Wow. I actually picked the winner! (seriously, in the comments for the contest) I LOVED Ron’s story. It made me actually pick up my quill and enter. I’m MOST pleased that none of the winners used bizarre abbreviations, etc to squeeze their story in.. Good picks all by the judges (although mine deserved a mention :P).
      Congrat’s to the winners!

    16. Congratulations to the winners. Ron Gould did a great job and so did the other winners.

      And there are some really nice prices handed out. If I knew about this contest earlier I would defenitly entered.

    17. This was absolutely more fun than the finale of American Idol.

      Congratulations to all entrants. You have demonstrated your ability with all three of the scholastic “R’s”.



    18. Who knew Twitter was having a contest? Congratulations to all of the winners. I guess I’ll pay closer attention when I log into my Twitter accounts.

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