Promote your business to 180,000+ Solopreneurs
Connect with an active community of passionate entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, creators, & freelancers starting and growing their businesses.
Audience and Reach
1-week Sponsorship
- 180,000+ Subscribers
- 90,000+ Avg. Views
- 500 – 1,000 Avg. Clicks
180,000+ and growing 10,000+ subscribers per month.
Job Titles
Founder, CEO, and Owner.
Average Sponsorship Views
Average Sponsorship Clicks
500 – 1,000 depending on relevancy and sponsorship copy.
Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Creators, & Freelancers.
Average Open Rate
Avg. Annual Visitors (Web Issue)
“Justin has the most active subscriber base, much higher than any other entrepreneurial newsletter out there. Once he featured my product on his TSS issues, the sales took off instantly. Testimonial’s monthly recurring revenue has had the biggest growth in the past 12 months.”
Sample (CIO)
What you get as a sponsor.
When you purchase a sponsorship, you get one advertisement in our Saturday newsletter.
Your ad will be 1 of a maximum of 2 ads in that issue.
The newsletter is published at 8:30 am EST every Saturday morning.
You can expect 500 – 1,000 visitors to your website or offer, depending on relevancy.
Your sponsorship will also remain live forever on each newsletter as they are published on my website and visited 1,200+ times per year as I promote them on social media.
The cost to run an ad is $3,000.