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    What Fight Club Can Teach You About Innovative Content

    What Fight Club Can Teach You About Innovative Content

    Reader Comments (18)

    1. Brian,
      You know your reach is broad when two females are talking long distance on the phone about how mistakes in the studio are a good thing and she emails me your post on Fight Club as a followup to what I said. LOL. Small world. Love the Tylerisms.

    2. Those quotes are wicked man.

      My favourite is this one:

      “People do it everyday, they talk to themselves… they see themselves as they’d like to be, they don’t have the courage you have, to just run with it.”

      I am going to go see if it’s at my local video rental store tomorrow.

      Thank you for posting this link Brian.

      Daniel Kemp

    3. > “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything. ”
      Beautiful. Either freedom to fail or motivation to make stuff happen. Either way, it’s a boundary lifted.

    4. Loved Fight Club! Thanks for the additional recommendations of Copyblogger, Problogger and the Blog Squad. I’ve checked out Problogger and it’s a great site. Haven’t seen the other 2 yet.

      Great blog by the way, glad I stumbled upon it.


    5. To create innovative and creative content you must be able to think outside of the box in manner’s that other people would not think. This makes you more creative and different than everyone else.

    6. To be innovative and creative, “focus” is an ally. I find it helpful everyday to define the most important thing on which to focus that day. Then, when you find potential distractions at every turn, it’s much easier to push them aside and get truly great work done.

    7. The fear behind Rule #3 can be one of the most crippling aspects of being an entrepreneur.

      For me, as soon as I have a great idea, I become very protective of it and only want to release it to the world after it’s “perfect”.

      The irony in that is the idea will never be perfect!

      I always remind myself that Bill Gates didn’t start with Windows Vista (and even then, he’s still got a long way to go!).

      All the best.

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