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    3 Simple and Effective Keyword Research Tips

    3 Simple and Effective Keyword Research Tips

    Reader Comments (11)

    1. Thanks Beth!

      A lot of people have been reaching out to me with the recent change to the Adwords keyword tool.

      You hit the nail on the head that it’s more important to target keywords that your target audience would be searching, rather than the highest volume keywords..

      • Exactly, Brent! If your perfect clients/customers aren’t searching for those terms, it doesn’t really matter how popular the terms are.

    2. “This is not a time to guess or assume you know your audience so well that you know what they’re thinking.”
      Love this. One of the worst mistakes you can make when doing seo is trying to come up with all the keywords yourself. Really get to know your client and their customers, every niche is different.

        • This is something I’ll admit that I’ve done in the past – just assumed that ‘these are the keywords consumers must be using’, but keyword research tools have shown a plethora of terms that I certainly wouldn’t have managed to come up with, and I agree that as the language of products evolve, we should do regular checks to ensure we’re keeping up with that evolution.

    3. Hello Beth,

      Thanks for this educative post. Keywords really plays a vital role when we are doing on Page SEO for our website or blog. I am using some keyword research tools like semrush to analyze and choose right keywords for my blog posts.

    4. I recently paid to use the moz keyword tool, and its been really insightful. (but expensive!) it helps find synonyms and other wording that i never would have thought to include in my post. also, i’ve realized the importance of allowing comments on blogs, as people discussing the topic seem to add those terms naturally to the post. thx for the post!

    5. The moz keyword tool helps in some cases. Alot of it is common sense in a way if you have been doing SEO. If it does not benefit you do not pay for it.

      • As Moz’s SEO, I’m a bit bias, but truly love our Keyword Explorer tool!

        What’s unique is that you can apply filters like “are questions” to your keyword research, save lists for future re-evaluation, see what SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) Features show up for the different keywords, and track rankings.

        However, if you want to save money, you should check out these Free Keyword Research Tools:

        Google Keyword Planner (for basic or geo-targeted keyword research)

        Hope that helps,

    6. Hello Beth,

      Great article. I remember when I started my blog I spent time and money on the keyword research, in fact, I spend two whole weeks just doing research. Two weeks seems a lot, but if you mess up at the start of your keyword research then you will carry that “mess up” for a very long time. Keyword research is VERY important.

      Once again, thank you for the tips.

    7. Hi Beth,

      This is a good take on keyword research. One can get a lot of insights by reading into their customer/client interactions such as blog comments, service request emails, reviews etc. It is very important to incorporate your customer’s language in your web pages and blogs to increase readability.

      Another point I would like to add is doing a competitors analysis. This way your keyword research is holistic and effective.

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