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    4 Creative (and Aboveboard) Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

    4 Creative (and Aboveboard) Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

    Reader Comments (13)

    1. Thanks for sharing. Repurposing is a great way to avoid writer’s block and not have to recreate the wheel. Content can be broken down into multiple posts or a deeper dive can be taken to create fresh takeaways. When combined across multiple platforms it can create a much larger impact.

    2. Hey Beth,

      Generating the content is not enough, you should promote it to boost the SEO. More shares lead to better SEO.

      Follow the 80/20 rule of blog promotion. Spread your content on the social media and get more hits.

      Writing the guest posts is a great idea. I am on it.

      Glad to read this article.

    3. Hi Beth,

      Thank you for the great post! Repurposing the content really got me thinking. Great point!

      Thank you!
      L.M. Durand

    4. Agree with everything except the 3rd point – Writing Guest posts. Guest post can help you get exposure only in certain niches. I’ve tried guest posting but the results weren’t what I was hoping for and the overall ROI isn’t that good considering you need to write a solid article and that for someone else’s blog. I suggest using the content yourself. Just my $0.02.

      • While every situation is different, guest posting can be a very powerful way to get your content in front of a larger audience. I’m not sure which niches or topics it wouldn’t work for — if you have an example, I’m all ears.

        It’s not a quick ROI technique, but it does work well to expand your audience, get your ideas out there, build your authority, and, yes, if the work is good and you’re publishing on quality sites, to show the search engines that you know your stuff.

        Your site seems to be more of a tech news site than one that’s publishing original ideas or establishing your authority — so I can see how guest posting might not have been an immediate home run for you.

    5. “Guest posting helps you establish connections with influencers in your field, and it can lead to new website visitors and email subscribers when it’s done correctly.” This was very helpful and informative. I have been trying to implement a guest posting section on my site and have been making guest posts on other site.

    6. Thank for these precious tips. I was underestimating Facebook presence because I always thought that social media does not help in SEO.
      But now, after going through many useful resources (including this article), I will start using social media as one of my top tools to increase engagement and exposure.

      Also, thanks for the Sprout Social document, that will help me in many projects.

      Cheers… 🙂

    7. Guest posting is an invaluable strategy with different payoffs which can be short or long term. I don’t do it often enough but I did reach out to a site this year and wrote a guest post for them. They let me know that it was their most shared content on their blog, invited me to guest post any time, asked to quote me alongside other well-known influencers for an upcoming piece, invited me to be in a closed group of content creators of theirs to share ideas with one another and offered me to use their services for free as a part of that exclusive community. I did not expect any of this from guest posting so it just goes to show that you never know what a guest post might yield you besides exposure to a new/wider audience.

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