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    Final Lessons Learned from One of the World’s Highest-Paid Copywriters

    Final Lessons Learned from One of the World’s Highest-Paid Copywriters

    Reader Comments (26)

    1. Lloyd Dobler. I love Lloyd Dobler. The answer to his question from all the guys was “By choice, man.” Yeah, right.

      I’m learning daily from this blog how to make mine better, more successful. I absolutely do NOT choose to do nothing when there’s good info out there!

    2. Thanks for the tips

      especially about trying out new technology as we need to move with the times for our online business.

      I live in the sun so i will often post a blog post from the beach or email a client from the river when i am having a picnic so i am all for the technology.

      kind regards


    3. Great tips…especially #13. More than once I’ve been totally turned off by rude or insensitive VAs. For example, once I asked a question about a service on special. The VA didn’t get back to me till *after* the special was over…and didn’t offer me a deal. Another time the VA said, “You won’t get commission on that sale because that person was in our database already” or “It’s a private offer.” They even added, “I’m sure you will understand.”

      No, I didn’t. And I no longer promote those products. If you don’t want to pay commission, just un-check the box on your shopping cart.

    4. Thanks for the tips!

      Although, I like your post as a whole but the best part is “There is no guru or authority who can give you all the answers.”

      You are an inspiration, keep up the good work.

    5. You’re a pleasure to read. I was turned on to you by the NRWA newsletter. Your “FancyNancy” piece had me cracking up.

      As a resume writer and lit major, I loathe flowery blather. I can see you do too and your turn of phrase makes for such an enjoyable read.

      Good to know you’re out there fighting the good fight.

    6. “One of the smartest things any online marketer can do is to study the “old school” guys who wrote direct mail, magazine ads, and other artifacts of advertising history.

      Why? Because it took a tremendous understanding of the psychology of persuasion to make those tactics work.”

      Fantastic advice. When writing for the web, use those experts but adapt them to your audience/media/purpose. When writing company newsletters, I do much of the same thing, except I make it shorter and more to-the-point. And, guess what, it works!

    7. @Roger, it’s funny what a “secret ninja trick” it is to just go back to what’s always worked. Magic beans! 🙂

    8. Understanding what makes people tick is fascinating. I love the blend of old and new concept. Branding a product or your company is still part old school and part Internet age. I still remember Bucky Beaver telling me that NEW Ipana toothpaste was dandy for my teeth. That was 50 years ago.

      However, Bucky Beaver never told me that if I didn’t get my new Ipana toothpaste in the next 15 minutes (operators are standing by)…I’d never have white, pearly teeth. I still have a problem with insulting offers that imply a shortage of time or product. I guess I’d never make a real, honest to goodness huckster. I know it works, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it…or use it!

      Jon Tremain

    9. @Jon, scarcity can be used in a cheesy way or it can be used ethically. The fact is, people procrastinate. If they have no reason to act now, a lot of times they’ll never act, even if they actually want to. So lighting a little scarcity fire can help get them moving.

      Almost any copywriting technique can be used in a creepy way or an ethical, relationship-building way. Just like a hammer can be used to build a house or take out your next-door neighbor. 🙂

    10. Thanks, Sean for insights that will strengthen my ladder-I appreciated that analogy-and also the point you made about making sure you have a good reason for the promotion. I really liked the idea of a theme that connects with current events, failing that, isn’t it always National Sing Off-Key/Popcorn/Knock-Knock Day or Week somewhere? (But only a week! or a day! This promotion will end before you get to the end of this sentence!)

      I’m sure it also helps if your audience has come to know you and that they expect that you mean well.

      Sonia, even though I’ve only been subscribing to Copyblogger and Remarkable Communication for a few-lovely and enlightening-months, it feels like so much longer because of all of the tremendous stuff I’ve gotten. (I’ve recently decided to treat myself even more and joined the 3rd Tribe.) I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve said things that have me asking myself “how does she do it and over and over again” and feeling so glad that you do. Case in point, the good/bad hammer. As usual, at least for me, you nailed it. (Speaking of cheesy, I know that’s a great example, that’s why I’m fortifying my ladder with you and with Brian and with Jon and Sean and…)

    11. Sean, thanks for another of your razor-sharp, action-provoking posts. Methinks it’ll keep me usefully occupied, at least for the next few days.

    12. I am Italian; I am reading Seth Godin’s book that makes your name in “Che pasticcio di Marketing”, italian version, pag. 66

    13. Great post Sean . I would add another and that use interactive ebooks and reports that combine both video, audio and written experiences. Books that are FREE and premium ones that are not.

    14. What a wonderful information. What an awesome article. This is a wonderful blog and I have found lots of new information from this article. The same info I had found on a blog of datadubai.com but this blog is really awesome.

    15. One thing I would like to add goes along with numero 12. “Take advantage of new techniques.” I think that it’s also important to take advantage of old techniques that are NEW to your or your customers.

      Perhaps you have a list that is used to being marketed in a certain way, always emailing them, providing them with occasional offers. Then, bam! you do a small project with direct mail, completely changing their comfort level and getting their attention.

      Small things can go a long way in order to keep people coming back for more, waiting to see what you will come up with next.

      -Joshua Black
      The Underdog Millionaire

    16. Beki: I’m with you, just the thought of Lloyed makes me smile. If you do nothing, you can only expect the same in return. Good for you.

      Samantha: Technology makes our lives better in so many ways, it’s just important to use it instead of allowing us to use it.

      Cathy: I’m in the process of hiring a VA right now. As much as I’m in a hurry to make the hire, I know I can’t rush it. Whoever I hire is a constant reflection on me. Haste makes waste and all that jazz.

      Ghazal. Thank you for saying that. It’s so true – the best thing you can possibly do is just get out there, make a whole bunch of mistakes, then tweak your game a day at a time.

      BrightSide Cliff: Ah, the Fancy Nancy piece was Sonia’s and it was excellent. I’ve been guilty of flowery blather a bit too much myself, but i’ve tumbled my copy through the Kennedy O’ Matic and it is all the better for it.

      Roger: Yes, it does. Technology has changed, humans haven’t.

      Jon: Scarcity can be used well, especially if you are in any way selling your time. You can NEVER make more minutes no matter how hard you try, so if you tie a product into your own access, then you can always use scarcity both naturally and honestly.

      Karen: Thanks for the compliment Karen, and yes, it’s easy to see why Sonia has so many raving fans.

      Gordon: My pleasure, Gordon. I’m glad it worked for you. 🙂

      Justin: It works well.

      Bamboo: Get the book. You’ll like it and it’s well worth the read.

      Leo: Hi Leo. Did you mean Linchpin? I looked up page 66, but wasn’t sure what you were referring to. Sorry.

      John: Thanks.

      Andi: Thanks! I appreciate it.

      Darren: Couldn’t agree more. And I’d add that even though video will become a bigger and bigger deal, but copy will never go out of style.

      David: Sorry, hard for me to see the correlation between a Dubai resources portal site and a site that teaches content marketing.

      Margo: My pleasure, Margo. Thank you.

      Joshua Black: Yes, the element of surprise is extremely powerful. Especially when used well.

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