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    Does Your Website Smell?

    Does Your Website Smell?

    Reader Comments (30)

    1. Not only does this speak to the need for compelling copy and images, but you’ve really made the case for why including audio and video in e-commerce content is taking off bigtime. Copy still needs to be written for these media, as well, and it still needs to get results.

    2. I came to the conclusion last week that it matters far less what I am saying than how I’m saying it. People want a story. They have since before Homer.

    3. Great post. Web writers really do need to consider their audiences more and figure out ways that they can appeal to readers. This post offers some valuable insights that I hadn’t thought of before, so thank you!

    4. Thanks James. This is a really helpful post. It’s always good to consider the emotions of the readers. As a matter of fact, as I’m studying target markets, their decision making process is based more on emotion rather than rational choice. These simple tips could help me come up with posts that is sensitive to the reader’s needs. Again, thank you.

    5. James, great advice! People make buying decisions on emotion and then validate with logic. I am guilty of doing the right things by clients and then getting lazy when it comes to doing it for myself. Thanks for the kick in the rear reminder!

    6. I couldn’t agree more, James. Funny, I just wrote a blog post on multi-sensory marketing last week. We must be on the same wave length!

      Now, if we could just get the smell thing down. It’s one of the strongest senses and I often thought when I was teaching first grade, if I could just use scents to teach letters and beginning sounds. Pity the poor kid with the cold, though.

      The implications for websites are significant. Video, podcasts, even online demonstrations for the kinesthetic learner. It really is exciting.

    7. Thanks for the reminder James. I’m all about emotion in my life, but as I move to the new blog format, I run the risk of dropping the emotional level a bit.

      Of course for my sales copy, I have you making sure I include the emotion…

    8. Tell a story, showcase benefits, lead them to where you want them to go, sell your product without selling, a little humor may be good, consider decoy marketing, keep it concise, include the senses, show a need, solve a problem, provide easy navigation, write a great title/headline, start strong, wrap it up well . . .

      No problem 😉

      Actually, the more you do these things, the less you have to think about them and they become second nature.

    9. @ John – Ya think?!

      @ Alex – You have a difficult subject that requires emotion. It’ll take practice to walk that fine 😉 line.

      @ Judy – You reminded me of song and how people can easily remember hundreds of lyrics to songs they love. See how it works?

      @ Aira – It’s funny to read on consumerism. There’s very little that seems rational at all – and yet, it all boils down to needs, doesn’t it? Just what *type* of needs is up for debate.

      @ Michael – AUGH! Multimedia!! (I know, you’re right. I know.)

      Cheers everyone, and thank you for the comments!

    10. Ah ha ha, hoisted on your own multimedia petard! Very cool post, though.

      It’s all about experience. The amazing thing about writing is that you can suggest such a huge variety of experience just with some abstract marks on a page/screen.

    11. Per usual, the articles on this site are SO on point. This is so true – in order to keep readers, you must connect with them on some sort of personal level!

    12. Fantastic!

      This is one of the best posts I’ve read in a long time – I know that sounds trite… but its true. Regardless if we are reading a blog, book, magazine, etc., the brain connects with what we are reading through our senses and memory.

      This creates the emotional connections with what we read. The better the “story” the stronger the connection.

      Thanks again!

    13. I used to work at an Ad Agency, and it IS all about marketing and appeal to the senses. Wow, now that makes sense in blogging too. Thanks for the insight!

    14. Great post. Web writers really do need to consider their audiences more and figure out ways that they can appeal to readers. This post offers some valuable insights that I hadn’t thought of before, so thank you!

    15. My answer to: Is it emotion or logic that brings people to your “storefront”.

      I have always heard that human beings are ’emotional’ creatures.

      Who was it that said that they are illogical?
      Oh yeah, Mr Spock from the original Star Trek series.

      And I think that sometimes it is more of a rationalization, rather than logic, that supports some of our behaviors.

      When writing, I like to include a piece of myself, usually a funny piece, a pun or joke, irony … in essence I write like I talk (depending on the subject, of course).

      The good thing about writing is that you can edit out the stuff that might be taken wrong and offend someone. In the end, you will not, and can not, please everyone. But you must remain true to yourself, or it will show.

      I’m sorry, I am babbling, and probably off-topic by now.

      Have a great day, everyone.

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