Your target audience isn’t interested in reading 5,000 articles from you.
They’ll read one and decide whether or not to stick around. If the article’s message resonates with them, they might read a second, maybe a third. And then they’ll naturally subscribe to your email list or sign up for your membership site to stay connected with you.
That’s why instead of churning out great volumes of content, we should focus on “making magic” with every article we write.
But making content magic isn’t easy, especially when you’re just starting out.
At first, we have good taste — and can recognize professional, remarkable content — but we don’t have the ability to write at our level of taste.
How can we overcome this frustrating situation and produce writing that matches the quality of the content we like to consume?
Take a look at this video, which puts the words of This American Life host Ira Glass into motion.
Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.
To close the gap between our taste and our ability — to create “magic” content — we have to write deliberately, and we have to write a lot.
It’s easier to write a lot when we write faster. In the next sections, we’ll cover:
- How to write with purpose
- How to write faster
First, copy a writing style you admire
Select a writer whose work you love and start copying their writing style. Don’t plagiarize them; simply mimic their style.
If you look at the style of a tennis player, musician, or writer, you’ll see that they’ve all copied their idols. And in doing so, they’ve closed the gap between their tastes and their abilities.
That’s what I did when I first started in 2002. I felt I knew how to write, but I wasn’t terribly confident, so I copied a style of writing I enjoyed for several weeks.
The way to copy a style is to read a lot of material from the writer you like, and then write your content as if you were that writer.
When you’ve mastered that writer’s style, it’s time to switch gears. Copy someone else’s work for a while, then a third person’s work, and so on.
One day, you will have closed the gap between your content taste and your writing ability.
Next, work on speed
When I started writing articles, it would take me two days to complete 600 to 800 words.
At the end of those two days, I wasn’t sure whether or not the work was worth the effort. Then in 2003, something unusual happened. I started a membership site and promised clients that I’d write five articles each week.
I’d seen other membership sites publish several articles a week, and so in the spirit of “copying a style,” I adopted that publishing schedule.
And I found that when I had a fixed deadline, I was able to write a lot more. I had no clue if anyone was reading the articles (these were the very early days of the internet), but I kept writing and my speed kept improving.
How quickly can you increase your speed?
Possibly fewer than 12 weeks. At Psychotactics, we offer an Article Writing course. While our participants did write frequently, they’d take between three and four hours to write an article (one student even said he took four weeks).
When you time your writing sessions, you’ll start writing faster.
I had to write an article every single weekday for my membership site. Because I also had to run a consulting business, I had less than 90 minutes to complete an article.
And so, day after day, I’d:
- Read the work of just one writer until I could feel the writer’s words pulse through my veins.
- Outline my article and write until I ran out of time.
- Quality-check the article and publish it.
Don’t fear the gap; work to close it
Today, there may be a gap between your taste in content and your writing ability, but don’t get discouraged.
Believing that others have more talent than you is not going to get you anywhere.
The deliberate practice of copying a writing style you admire and timing your writing sessions will help you move forward. Like two rivers meeting and mingling together, the styles will merge to create a whole new style that’s unique to you.
Don’t let perfectionism get in the way. Invest in a timer to limit your writing sessions.
Make content magic with your own unique style
You may believe you need hundreds of articles on your website to impress your target audience, but you don’t.
All of the articles you write are just your journey toward sharpening your writing abilities and speed.
What types of writing practices help you along your journey? Share in the comments below.
Reader Comments (31)
I really needed this! I’m good with my writing style, but slower than dirt and that keeps me from doing a lot more of the things that will help me grow personally and professionally. I’m going to add this to my 100 Day end-of-year challenge and make it happen. Thank you!
It’s good that you’re adding it to your challenge. That’s the way to go.
Thank you this article is very encouraging. I am inspired to keep writing and get better.
Keep writing. It’s the only way to learn to write. I know it sounds obvious but so many of us think we have to be “born writers”. There are no born writers. Everyone goes through the same madness.
Thanks for the advice, Sean. I read your book “The Brain Audit” and the amount of information in there is just amazing.
What kind of deadlines do you recommend for writing? 30 minutes? An hour?
I recommend you never write in a single day. I think of the topic on one day, outline the next, expand the outline a third, write the fourth and edit—briefly. But then I’ll come back to edit on another day.
Which means that like a chef I’ve got many dishes cooking at the same time. But I’d say that a beginner would take 3-4 hours to write the article. And I’d write an 800 word article in about 45 minutes.
I really need to implement the timer idea! Timers help keep me on track in other areas of my daily life, but I had not used a timer for my writing. Thanks for the tip!
It’s an obvious idea (but only in retrospect). And I can tell you that most writers will still ignore this idea. I write 4000-8000 words a week, every week. And if I had all the time in the world I would not write at all.
Personally, I have no problem with writing speed. It’s a matter of finding the voice for the content – like you said, I basically don’t feel like I write at par with the content I find valuable. This is what keeps me from writing/publishing more content.
Interesting POV about mimicking a writer’s style who you like… then another… and then another. I think this might be the piece of the pie that I was looking for.
Thanks Sean!
There’s no such thing as style or voice. It’s all fluid. You change your style/voice as you go along. But I used to be a cartoonist and at first I copied Hagar the Horrible for ages. Then I copied Dennis the Menace and so on. And you can see the morphing of styles until the day you get what people point out to, and say, “that’s Sean’s cartoon”.
Except it’s just my style for now.
If I keep copying, I will keep morphing. If I don’t, I will still change, though slowly. However, the brain looks for patterns and the less you do something the less patterns you’ll see. It’s less about practice and more about patterns.
Thank you Sean. This is a great strategy to imitate someone’s style you admire. I like the style of some online marketing professional, but I’m not sure if it will work in a potential consulting business in quality management, where most writers use tough words and jargon which not used except by those consultants!
Advertising used to be boring until Bernbach came along. Then he turned the world of advertising on its head and got results. Copying is one thing. Putting your own spin on it is another. Those people can’t write any other way, so that’s what they do. You can change the way things are done. It’s going to take a lot of effort, but it can be done.
Back in the day, I took a journalism course and a 19th century novel course at the same time. The novel course demanded a lot of reading. My prose changed over the course of the semester so much that my professor had to ask what happened to my original style, and said, “You’re beginning to sound like something out of another century.” I never forgot that, because, although I admire Dickens – and so many of his contemporaries – I had no desire to adopt his writing style.
All that to say that lots of reading can affect your style, too.
But to really pick up someone’s tone and rhythm, I pick up a pen and write by hand. It is terribly slow and cumbersome, but I seem to pick it up faster that way.
Either way, I agree that it’s the daily discipline that gets the job done. Thank you for a great reminder!
Yes, we become products of our environment, even if we think we’re incredibly unique. Uniqueness only comes with a lot of mix and matching.
Thank you. I think this article will be the one that will keep me going when my frustration mounts and my courage fails. Seriously, I want to gush about this article, but instead, I offer my profoundest gratitude.
You’re very welcome, Ericka. I am so glad it helped.
I have done engineering in Information Technology and currently working in the field of digital marketing. Sometimes I have to write and for that, I did research and got even more confused. I like the idea of following your favorite writer’s style. I don’t want to waste time in understanding the types of style and prose. Your article is concise and helpful. Thanks.
Hi Sean
Recently, I started using a timer to speed up my work. It not only helps my speed but my focus too. Knowing there is a deadline or end in sight, seems to bring your thoughts to attention, instead of having them scampering all over the place. It’s definitely worth implementing.
Thanks for a great article.
All the best
Timers are great!![🙂](
I am also one of those writers struggling with speed. I believe when someone wants to earn a living as a writer, they have to write fast. It have to be around 3000 words everyday to continue the job of a writer. I am finding difficult and still struggling.
It takes time. I struggled for a long time but the reason I struggled was because I had no structure. Once I found the structure I could turn out article after article in less than an hour.
Hi my tip: My native language is Dutch so I write the Dutch articles. My colleague then translate them in English. Ones the work for 2 articles!
Great article Sean, thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome![🙂](
Great article and I love the video, thank you Sean!
What I love most about this article is “content style”. Most writers lack this, or let me say they are inconsistent. Having a unique and consistent writing style will make readers used to how you write and stick around for long. Thanks
Glad it helped, Michael.
Thanks a lot for sharing, Shane!
Great article and a lot of usefull tips.
My writing is definitely different that when I started writing a couple of years ago.
Actually I am editing some content from my first steps
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