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    3 Simple Steps for Driving Your Audience to Action

    3 Simple Steps for Driving Your Audience to Action

    Reader Comments (19)

    1. One of the best examples of how NOT to do this was a student of mine who gave a talk to his classmates about why they should visit a particular seaside resort.

      His first (and second and third) point was

      “This resort is full of hot Russian chicks!”

      Unfortunately, his classmates were all girls.


    2. The post and ensuing discussion on narcissistic marketing was very valuable, but I’m doubly glad to see such a cogent set of ideas that any copywriter can implement right away in their copy.

      Starting with the WIFY and working back from that is the big takeaway for me from this.

      Thanks, Mike!

    3. I tend to agree with Hobbes on this one, and I’m a big fan of Ayn Rand. I think on some level we all operate for self serving reasons, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. (Did I say that out loud?)

      The trick is balance. While we want our readers to do something that will benefit us, what we want our readers to do should also benefit them. Unfortunately, I think a lot of marketers have lost this balance.

    4. Love it, Mike.

      When developing customer relationships with young people (what I do), you have to focus on what they want more than anything else. Hence why I said ‘developing customer relationships’.

      But I agree with Edward… Don’t get too focused on WIFY that you forget you actually are selling something.

      Thanks, Mike!

    5. Very helpful process, Mike. The only thing I was wondering about was WIFM/WIFY. As a copywriter, I always thought of WIFM, “What’s In It for Me?,” to be the questions our readers, our audience, is asking as they read our sales copy. In that sense, I am getting into my prospect’s skin and asking that question as I write. I’m empathetic by personality so that’s never been a hard thing for me to do. It is interesting how you turned that around.

      Thanks for the thought-provoking post.

    6. Happy to help Judy. If you’re tackling WIFM through that lens, I’d submit you’re doing it correctly. Thing is, psychologically, when the word “ME” is inserted in any thought, the brain plays those nasty tricks and it’s easy to revert to thinking of yourself first – it’s human nature. Changing it to WIFY simply eliminates the possibility of that brain chicanery and forces a writer into their audience’s shoes. Glad you found it interesting.

    7. Funny paragraph at the end of the post. I can see where it could cross over to that subject but keeping it on the intended topic I would say you lightly touched on some great things to keep in mind. Love the overall feel of your site by the way, it really comes off clean and professional.

    8. This is great information, even for seasoned copywriters. I think that sometimes we get so worried about keywords and such that we forget our overall purpose is to “sell”. We need to learn how to speak to our potential customers’ wants rather than waste our time celebrating the fact that we drew them to our site in the first place.

    9. Well explained, Mike. It’s a good break down of showing how to lead your customers down a path – tell a story, so to speak.

      Question, though: Did you leave any room to ever “toot your own horn?”

    10. Response to John Hoff:
      Re “tooting my own horn” – if you’ve done this process well enough, your solution becomes self evident and the client toots the horn for you. At most, your recommendation of your product/service is an understated commentary on how your solution maps to their problem and maybe cover a few case examples of where your solution has delivered value in the past. I’m not a big fan of the hard sell. See my post on “Consultative Selling: Solve MY problem, not yours” at http://thoughtleadersllc.blogspot.com/2008/03/consultative-selling-solve-my-problem.html for more detail on that point.

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