How to Instantly Transform Your Landing Page Images from Good to Great

How to Instantly Transform Your Landing Page Images from Good to Great

Reader Comments (43)

  1. Interesting, I never really used captions, I guess mostly because I use pictures in blog posts, and figure the post itself relates to the photo and vice versa.

    I will be setting up a testimonials section on a new website I”m designing and will make sure to use captions.

    • Here are some examples (without graphics)
      1) (Don’t you just hate painful clients? Learn how to use the power of the ‘six critical questions’ to get incredible testimonials—and attract clients that make every day an absolute joy).

      2) Organised people already know how to plan. They don’t need information like this. Yet most planning books are written without considering chaos at all. Learn how the ‘Chaos Planning System’ is a radical, yet perfectly intuitive way to plan). And learn how to get things done, and take long vacations as well.

  2. As the man said, “On the average, twice as many people read the captions under photographs as read the body copy. It follows that you should never use a photograph without putting a caption under it; and each caption should be a miniature advertisement for the product – complete with the brand name and promise.” – David Ogilvy

    • Absolutely. The numbers I’ve seen suggest that the caption is the third most-read element, after the headline and the P.S. I suspect they might even be the second most-read element. It’s really hard not to read a caption. 🙂

  3. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Having a little bit of a caption can “pre-sell” our posts and help set us up for getting the readers involved further in the product or service or even for getting them on a list. Those captions or lack thereof can provide so much in a little bit of space and doesn’t take too long to do.

  4. Ok I’ll do a bit of an experiment then 🙂 Currently my landing pages (and store) have images of the classic ebooks that we produce. None of the images have captions, mainly because the title and author should be readable on the image itself.

    Next week I should be updating the website. I’ll put captions on everything, even if it’s just the title again, and I’ll add more images with attention-grabbing or compelling captions beneath them. I’ll be able to see if it makes a big difference to how our audience engage with the website.

    Wish me luck! 🙂 I’ll be back to report.

  5. Captions are important for reader understanding, and also for search engines. On an early blog post I put a fairly random caption and title to an image, and that is one of the most searched terms that brings people to my site. Wish it had been more relevant. They are now.

  6. I also love when someone takes the time to style their captions.Try changing the font size, weight or face. Or add a border or background. Treating the content on your page as a design elements is a great way to enforce visual hierarchy!

  7. Sean, yet another reason is that they have the potential to promote SEO. Also, they’re a wonderful tool to help those w/serious visual impairments understand what the photo is. Why bypass that market? You might think blind folks don’t do photography, buy cars, skydive, paint, etc., but I know blind persons who do all these things. (obviously they won’t be the ones driving, but wait a few more years & the self-driving technology of the Google car or that of Virginia Tech that allowed a blind guy to drive the track at the De Tona 500 just might allow that as well.) So–keep the alt text & captions for images coming!

  8. How long and descriptive should captions be? Also how are we going to position an image and its caption in a blog so that it catches more attention?

  9. I like your post, Sean. Especially the way you describe the three ways to educate and create curiosity.

    Sometimes we think the digital age is different from everything that happened before. We forget how much we can learn from what advertisers have done for many years. David Ogilvy was mentioned already by Jodi. Joe Sugarman also suggested that most people read the headline and caption before reading the copy of an advert.

    John Caples said: “Don’t run pictures without putting captions under them. Put a brief selling message or human interest message under every illustration you use.”

    And #11 of Drew Eric Whitman’s 22 Response Superchargers: “Put selling captions under photos.”

    Why do we always try to re-invent the wheel?

  10. Amazing how much s simple little thing like captions can do for you, and I like point 4 in particular.

    When I write a sales letter, I always like to have the 10 or 15 headlines on the page tell my entire story so that those people who only ready headlines still get all of my sales message. Until I read point 4 in this post I’d never thought of doing the same thing with image captions.

    But it makes sense. I’m sure there are some people who stop on long webpages to read image captions, the way that some people stop to read headlines. And it I was to include a headline-style caption with each of those images so that together they all told a complete story, I think it could work great.

    I feel a split test coming on!

  11. I have used testimonial style captions for a number of my internet marketing projects. That way you can 1.) reassure your prospect about you product 2.) show them a vision of what possible if they use your product. Both of these triggers can go a long way in closing the deal.

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