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    The Simple Power of an Irresistible Offer

    The Simple Power of an Irresistible Offer

    Reader Comments (17)

    1. Following the links and reading those 4 articles offered me some great info on methods to improve sells. It’s so good to have all the information you need in one place. Also the way the information is presented is sufficient. You don’t see big description of what is already obvious from just presenting the idea.

    2. Your dog waits until you point at it? I drop something, like a cookie, and both kids, the cat and the dog are all scrambling to get there first. 🙂

      Nice concept though, thanks.

    3. When you gonna learn to get to the point Brian? He,he, he.

      I believe some of your readers will not get the indirect lesson you’ve provided here. And that’s a shame.

      They’ll only get the surface level lesson of the offer but your writing will have whisked them so effortlessly through the copy that they’ll hit the link and move on to absorbing the post where you break down the different kinds of offers (killer post by the way).

      I imagine massaging these 8 sentences took longer to perfect than some people would think.

      Maybe not.

      Making a short, direct and powerful argument is almost always harder to pull off than when you have the freedom long and descriptive allows.

      Roberto, didn’t miss the lesson. I hope everyone else appreciates what you’ve prepared also.

      Note Taking Nerd Number 2

    4. Fabulous, Brian. Love this.

      @notetakingnerd…please do give us readers more credit. When I first found Copyblogger two years ago, I pored over everything in Brian’s warehouse. I’m just waiting for my Ph.D in Brianology to arrive in the mail.

      @Jamie…if your dog is nailing your “offers” like that, just think how your customers must be doing. Great work!

    5. Way to make a point, Bryan. I guess that’s why you are so good at what you do.

      I teach reading and writing to middle school kids and I always struggle when trying to explain, “show, don’t tell”. What a great example of that. Also, how could anyone resist that face?

      Debbie Ferm

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