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    10 Tips to Transform an Elusive Goal into a Doable Project

    10 Tips to Transform an Elusive Goal into a Doable Project

    Reader Comments (7)

    1. I’m with you on each of these points, but I have totally embraced numbers 1 and 9. Number one helped me to finally get my first book published, and I am practicing number nine wholeheartedly at the moment as I work on a new book and series of courses. Just-in-time learning is helping me to see progress while saving my sanity. Thanks!

      • Thanks so much for reading the post, Marquita. I’m glad it resonated!

        I am such a huge fan of just in time learning — it works for me all throughout my life! I’m currently prepping for parenthood, so I’ve been making sure to just learn about the next most significant stage… It makes it much easier to focus and really dive into the material.

        Good luck with the new book and the courses 🙂 they sound like fun projects.

    2. Fantastic article. This blog post in a way speaks my mind actually. I too have this concern. I want to work on my blogs SEO & make it a big grand success. But it takes time. So, I can’t just sideline all the client marketing projects. because we have expenses, home rent, bills and so on.

      But I think it is much wiser to give equal prominence for both my clients projects and my own projects, It’s kind of tough but I know that If I put in some extra hours, It’s possible.

      • Thank you, Santhosh. I’m very happy you enjoyed it 🙂

        I think you’ve got the right idea about giving equal prominence to client projects as well as your own. We might not get as much time on your own stuff, but we can still make it a priority to do at least one small thing every day, or week.

        I guess it’s all about thinking in the long term as well as short term. Client work tends to be more “urgent” (and pays those pesky bills), whereas your SEO project has a long-term benefit which makes “future you’s” life easier…

    3. This may sound counter-intuitive but it works for me – if I have something I absolutely want to work on, but I keep putting it off, I usually end up working on it when something really upsetting happens. So instead of wallowing in the bad thing, I put all my focus on the project. By the time I’ve finished the project, I’ve subconsciously processed enough of the bad feeling that I can deal with it, and I have a finished project to show for it too!

      • Thanks for reading, Icy!

        I love your idea and approach for using the not-so-great times for a bit of motivation… I’m a fan of doing whatever works. I’ll keep this one in mind 🙂 thanks so much for sharing.

    4. Ok, soooo…. did you just jump into my body and address everything I was thinking? (Umm, I think ya just did!) Thanks so much for the awesome advice, Claire, especially point #2. As a book ghostwriter, I find myself always putting my paid projects ahead of tasks I need to do to advance my business (like consistently producing and promoting content pieces, or actually finishing and publishing my own book!) But it is true that we make time for the things that are important to us and your article has helped me “give myself permission” to do them! Thanks again!

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