How About a Copyblogger T-Shirt?

How About a Copyblogger T-Shirt?

Reader Comments (114)

  1. Super idea – nice tags –
    Very glad you did not go with the old school media rule of thumb…
    “If it bleeds, it leads!”

  2. Okay so I just voted for
    [ Insert Headline Here ]
    You So Wish You Could Link To This
    Content Is the New Advertising

    but y’all have GOT to offer
    I Have A Massive List.
    that one made me LOL

  3. Hah! I initially liked “Convert or Die,” but I think people who aren’t familiar with Copyblogger might think I’m promoting an radical, evangelical cult. “You So Wish You Could Link To This” is the best one of the bunch.

    Here’s a write-in:

    Talk to me. Like bloggers do.

    (a play on The Eurythmics’ song, “Here Comes the Rain Again”)

  4. This is too cool, Brian. Even though the headlines I voted for appear to be trailing, most any of the ones listed would be worth getting. Thanks for doing this.

  5. These are actually clever and I might even buy and wear one. I am impressed. When I got the email blast I pictured horrible and oversized t-shirts with the copyblogger logo emblazoned across the front. These shirts are great! Just make sure you get female shirt sizes too. That way the headline gets stretched out over my huge chest.


  6. I totally voted — some of these are seriously brilliant!

    I was SERIOUSLY weirded out though that my 3 votes were exactly the same as the leading three right now. It was just so obvious, those called out to me….

    Cool, i guess polls really do work…! 🙂

  7. How about “Copy Savant”.

    Also I am a graphic designer and copywriter for a promotional products company called ‘Dolphin Creative Promotions’. If you don’t already have a printer and apparel vendor for these t-shirts, please consider us and we will offer you a great deal.

    Love you blog. It’s become a part of my non-religion. : )

  8. “Put some Art in your marketing.” The poll numbers are low but for the Photographer, Designer, Illustrator and Visual Artist it says it all. Good copy reinforces images and good images get good copy read.

  9. Great choices all, but I settled on #1:

    You So Wish You Could Link To This


    I Have A Massive List.

    and #3:

    Put Some Art in Your Marketing

    Keep up the great work!

  10. I don’t know whether it’s a good or a bad thing that my top 3 choices are also winning in the poll. I’d like to think I’m different, but maybe it’s just great minds thinking alike.

  11. Squee!!!

    As your green-minded friend, may I request that these be printed using some method(s) considered environmentally and socially responsible? (organic, bamboo, non-toxic inks, fair trade, local, etc.)

    I promise we’ll pay extra if you’re willing to lessen the impact on our planet… 🙂

  12. I would totally pick up a “You so wish you could link to this” one 🙂

    Also, I’d like to suggest the following —
    “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword — although, if you forget a deadline, you might want to bring the sword…” 🙂

  13. Ahh, the case of the shoemaker’s children. And you didn’t even give your loyal customers a chance to compete for the headline. Shame.

    Trust me, your choices to this point suck. Too complicated. Too arch.

    How about “Word Up!” Or “Write Tight,” or “Write Fight,” or “The Write Sight,” or “Web Celeb,” or “Get It Write,” or “Unclog the Blog,” or just plain ole “Copyblogger (SMALL PRINT: where online writing begins)”

    Don’t hurt your image with the headlines you have now. You should have allowed people to tell you if they didn’t like any of your slogans. I don’t. Lots of love.

    • Thanks for your anonymous criticism, Don. But thanks even more for your proposed alternatives. I think we’ll let people compare our style to yours and decide for themselves.

      • Thanks for the quick response Brian. Yeah, I don’ believe in anonymous, especially when we’re asked publicly to tune in.

        I’m not suggesting my alternatives, just that you should consider something more in tune with what you do and that promotes usage by those who don’t know since you have a great site and service. I’ve worked on scores of tshirts and promotional items. You have to make your message obvious and give the buyers something to wear that is easy to explain and that wouldn’t cause them confusion or embarrasment about the message.

        The more I think of it, why not just say Copybloggers and a small
        subhead. After all, your name is what you want people to know so they get to the site and sign in. And it says what you’re about very clearly. It also suggests that your subscribers are part of a large community, which we are. Your content is so good that you don’t have to be clever or arch. Simple is better, yes?

    • @Don Bates

      I think you are the only one on this thread who believes the copy is “too complicated.” And you’re offering “Word Up!” and “Write Tight”–which sound like something a tween girl in the ’90s would wear. If I could Dislike your post, I would!

      • Puleeeze. And a thread makes a majority? I wasn’t offering my alternatives, just making a point about being simple, but I can see from how I wrote it that you might get that impression. Why mince words about disliking my post? I don’t like yours and you don’t have to like mine. Is there some protocol for blogging that I’ve missed over the years. Are we all to think alike? Is there a royal guard in charge of what’s acceptable and what’s not? And doesn’t the reply say “Speak Your Mind”?

        But I’m glad I got your attention. I would hate to think that I wrote something so foolish that no one would notice. And sincerely I appreciate your write back. Comments need commenting on if they’re going to be real.

      • @Jen – im not saying i agree with everything Mr Don Anonomous said, however, i do have to disagree with you about him being the only one who thinks that a couple of message’s are complicated. Especialy thoes who dont already blog/read copyblogger.

        I’m only 19, so maybe i was born a little too late to understand this t-shirt, but… Who the fruit loops is Ogilvy? why is he living? why the heck is it on a copyblogger t-shirt? Personaly, i had to google it to find out who he is [i’m assuming its talking about the advertising exect that passed away over 10 years ago?]

        I have a massive list: Im talking in the voice of my brother here – but why did you write a long list of things? :S

        Me and you get the sly jokes in them, but what about others walking past us?

        i do admit, i like them [we just have to remember that not everyone knows about these internet marketing terms… YET] and the goal of the shirts is to get them here so we can educate them… right? scaring them before they get in the door is the opposite of their goals?

        sorry about typo’s – half asleep while typing this.

        • Chris, the shirts are specifically designed for Copyblogger readers. Probably not for the casual ones, either. That’s why they’re “insiderish” on purpose.

          Put another way, who other than a loyal Copyblogger reader would buy a Copyblogger t-shirt, no matter what the slogan? And since we’re not trying to make money off the shirts (and even if we were), why would we water them down to appeal to the masses? That goes against everything we teach.

          Anyway, hope this helps. The “winning” shirts are now for sale (see the newest post).

  14. That’s funny, I just started a radio show called Get Bizzy Blogging and am thinking T-shirts and coffee cups…

    …so I’m afraid I can’t share my ideas…..

    I did cast my vote.

  15. Sorry, the last comment looked too much like html and important text got got filtered out.

    “The **insert iconic pop reference** guide to **insert trendy marketing topic**.”

  16. Bloggers Do It In Writing

    Cookie Content. It’s Not Just For Dinner Anymore.

    Content Freak

    Where Content and Design Live Happily Ever After

    Write, write, write
    Design, design, design
    Sell, sell, sell

    I Blog Therefore I Am

    Will Blog For Food

    Got Content?

  17. Please have some V-neck shirts for ladies. I don’t know about the other women here but I don’t wear crew neck t-shirts. Just not attractive. V-necks look better on women for possibly obvious reasons. 🙂

  18. Clearly the tee is meant to be a conversation starter, more than a fashion statement. So how about…

    “Ask me About”
    – copyblogger

  19. How about
    “I Commited Bloggery And All I got Was This Lousy T-Shirt” ???
    Love your work guys…personal fave thus far:

    Actually, you got me. It is my fave but I just HAD to add.
    Ooooh!! Another slogan: I Had to Add…..
    OMG this is addictive!!

  20. Love several of these! Just make them affordable, please, so we can buy more than one!

    Other possibilities:
    “My other post is a blog.”
    “I’d rather be blogging.”
    “How’s that hopey, bloggy thing going?”
    “Content management system.”
    “The content expressed here is not necessarily that of the blogger.”
    “Parental advisory: Explicit content creator.”
    “What’s the difference between a blogger and a pit bull? Mouse clicks.”

  21. When you’re ready to order, let me know. I’ll get you a great price for all of the info you share. I own an embroidery/screen print company. Starmedia Promotions and Spiritzone Sportswear. Let me know….

  22. Not to brag, but it’s been proposed (not by me) that a Johnny B. Truant shirt be made. I’m not quite self-centered enough to green-light it, but the proposed tagline would be “I’d follow Johnny B. Truant to the gates of zombie hell.”

    I also pitched an idea when Naomi Dunford wanted a “dirty” shirt idea:

    On the front: A giant fork
    On the back: The legend “HOLY FORKING SHIRT!”

  23. I don’t know if you wanted suggestions Brian, but anyway here’s two more – one a bit less serious that the other…

    “Do You Copy?”
    “It’s A Blogalongadingdong”

    Can I also order a T shirt with one long sleeve (the right one), I like to keep my copywriting arm warm at all times.

  24. Loving the suggestion… maybe use both slogans… the second one, then the arrow, then the first slogan under that.

    Is that too much?

    I think I might also just buy a standard T shirt with two short sleeves. I’m thinking of buying one of those fake skin colored tattoo arm sleeves anyway – that way, I look cool in my T shirt, even cooler with my massive arm tattoo, and my copywriting arm stays warm.

    P.S. on a serious note, I have voted 🙂

  25. Talking of pithy statements, I got some random ideas for ya:

    “My Blog Is My Biatch!”
    “Writing Is For Winners, Talking Is For Quiters!”
    “Making Your Blog Awesome-er”
    “Thou Shalt Blog!”
    “King Of Conversion”
    “World Wonder Of Words”

  26. I like the last two:



    Put some art in…

    Let me know when/if they are available. Thanks!

  27. Hi Brian,
    I would really like to see an Inigo Montoya quote! Still one of my favourite Copyblogger articles!

    How about:
    “My name is Inigo Montoya and you wrote bad copy! Prepare to die!”

  28. My Favourite is this “Content is the new advertising” totally expresses the very essence of what you guys so preach on Copyblogger.

    @Brian, hope you made provisions for those of us who live far away in Africa (e.g. Nigeria?)

  29. very cool graphics – tee shirts are always message magnets! Brian, if you want to make this project even cooler, why don’t you have a very talented group of teen artist/entrepreneurs do your screenprinting? we’re copy blogger fans and have a great non-profit, social enterprise, Artists for Humanity ( all of the money goes back into the program to train and employ underserved teens to work in the visual arts) .. check us out at thanks!

    and how about “copy (blogger) is the sincerest form of flattery”

  30. Just wanted to echo the other women on here: please, please, please create these in girl sizes, too. We won’t wear baggy men’s T-shirts around town. I once bought my brother, also a writer, a “Will Write for Food” shirt, so I like “Will Blog for Food” too.

  31. love some of these, particularly “You So Wish You Could Link To This.”

    After the T-shirts are made and start selling, could you do several posts on T-shirts as a product?

    Such as, which niches work best for selling T-shirts, how to best market T-shirts or structure sales/promotions, strategies for making a profit off of Ts, etc.

    I run an animal training site and have several great ideas for T-shirts that I’m pretty sure would sell well in my niche. Currently am growing my blog and subscriber list and am planning to design, print and start selling the first T sometime next spring.
    I have lots of ideas about how to make selling them a success.

    I’d love to hear any tips, trick or ideas you have in future blog posts!


    Mary Hunter

  32. Wanna be a new media mogul? Start a blog.

    This text is for you. That’s why you’re reading it.

    Awesome content inside this T-shirt.

    I hit the “Publish” button regularly.

    Do you blog? I do. (that’s on my business card) 🙂

    Yeah, I love the T-shirt idea. Bring it on!


  33. I like the “Write Write Write Write Write Write Write Write” option on the t-shirt.

    Some of my other suggestions for the t-shirt are:

    1. “Read what I write”
    2. “Writing was never so much fun”
    3. Content was king; today, it is everything!”

    Hope you like them 🙂

    I will surely post some more when they cross my mind.

    Looking forward to the new t-shirts.


  34. “I think I blog pretty well considering I started out with a blank screen.” (to update a Steve Martin quote about writing)

    Also, “bloggers do it in writing” made me laugh out loud. 🙂

  35. I quite like the massive list one.

    But what about

    Great copy paints a thousand pictures
    The Write Stuff
    I’m on autoresponder
    Blogging for Bucks

    Some great suggestions above as well. Maybe a new business empire beckons?

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