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    How to Overcome Webinar Offer Anxiety and Get Your Audience to Buy

    How to Overcome Webinar Offer Anxiety and Get Your Audience to Buy

    Reader Comments (18)

    1. Thanks, Tim. This makes perfect sense. I’ve attended one or two webinars and did the same thing…wondered what the cost of the service/product was going to be and did I have to buy it by attending the webinar? No, I didn’t but I wondered throughout and it’s one of the reasons I tend to avoid webinars. 😛

      Great advice you’ve given here and thanks for sharing it.

      • Thank you, Lisa. See, you get it. There’s just a weird feeling of unease when someone is keeping something from you — even if it’s not with ill-intent.

    2. Amen Tim! I lead off all videos now with a link to my eBook and let readers know they can buy it to become a full time blogger. I link to the eBook all over the place. I end videos with a link to the eBook, noting folks can buy it if they want to become a full time blogger. I’d use this strategy too if I did webinars. Remember guys; it’s only money. Neutral means of exchange. If folks have issues with you offering value and requiring that neutral money as a means of exchange, never allow their money lies aka fears aka illusions into your mind. Promote freely! It is just money. Thanks for sharing buddy 🙂


      • Totally! I think it’s important not to be afraid to make our offers. And for me — this just helps be as clear and transparent as possible.

    3. I attend online webinars quite often lately, but I don’t buy all the products advertised there because my experience in the field is telling me what is good and what is weak.
      However, I like to attend them because I learn new things every time, so work, some don’t, but is good to stay informed.

      • It’s GREAT that you’re learning new things from these webinars. I feel like more and more people are realizing that you can’t just put out a webinar that’s 60 minutes of selling. The value has got to be there. Great point!

    4. I usually attend the webinars and its not like i buy all the products that are listed over there. I thin by attending this type of webinars always help to elevate your knowledge each time and in different platforms. Thanks for sharing this.

    5. Great post! I myself have experienced some good and some bad webinars. I feel it is all about adding value. Even if they don’t buy it now, they might buy it later on if the free stuff provided adds some value to them.

      • That’s exactly right. The more you can help solve their problems during your free content, the better your chances of getting a sale — even if it means it’ll take a little while.

    6. Thank you for addressing this issue & giving a precise solution! I’ve tuned out webinars because they take too long to get to the pitch. Sometimes what’s worse, is when they spend too long explaining their rags to riches story before the training which then leaves me no time to sit for the pitch at the end.

      Looking forward to your webinar next week.

      • Oh my pleasure. It just feels like we’re in a world where trying to keep your cards a little too close to the chest is a surefire way to alienate your audience. We know there’s going to be an offer — why not get it out of the way?

        And I have to agree — though I think personal stories can be important, they shouldn’t be the bulk of the webinar. One way to counter that, I’ve found, is that if your story is relevant to the training — tell the story, but make the things you’ve learned/valuable insights a part of it. For example: If I was telling a story about my fat loss, I might talk about where I was and the frustration, tell the progress I made, and then give the steps to getting there. But it wouldn’t be a 15 minute story with 30 seconds of valuable tips.

        See you next week!

    7. I would definitely appreciate it if more webinar hosts did that, instead of spending twenty minutes giving their backstory, ten minutes on content, and half an hour on selling!

      • Ha — you and me both. It’s funny that as a person who literally hosts webinars for a living, it’s often really difficult to get me to want to attend a webinar, just because it drives me bonkers to watch people give little to no value and then ask people to give them money.

        I’d like to see more of 5-10 minutes of setting things up (explaining what to expect, setting the stage with the problem and why this webinar is important, briefly introducing themselves, letting people in on the offer), and then launching into the content for 30-45 minutes. Then 5-10 minutes for an offer, then Q&A for however long makes sense.

        And it’s funny because I feel like it’s hard to LIMIT content to 30-45 minutes.

    8. Yes! I totally agree. I found myself nodding all the way through. There have been so many times when I’ve lost interest part way through a webinar because of that elephant!

    9. This is great advice Tim and you’re right! I can’t believe how many webinars I dropped out of, simply because the presenter was holding back.
      If the idea is to make it “stick”, why not mention what you’re selling right away. I do the same offline too and it definitely works. People don’t like being “tricked” or “duped” and likely drives more objections simply to fight off the “Ive been taken” feeling.
      Respect your clients and believe in what you’re selling. If you have to wait to announce the price, you’ve already started to lose trust.

      • Respect is the perfect word, Redge. Respect. If you respect peoples’ intelligence you’ll never feel like you need to “sneak one past them”

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