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    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of October 3, 2010

    Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of October 3, 2010

    Reader Comments (25)

    1. Grab an empty plastic bottle and when your herder bites you bop him–I work with a lot of aussie’s, and boarder collies and this works. A bop does not hurt and is effective-(your mother is right by the way he is not play attacking )If you would like me to send your little gripper–a deer antler to chew when he is not chasing (complimentary–of-course) just let me know.

      Sorry–its the dog trainer in me, I had to solve the dog problem before I could read the rest of the post which I am sure, as always is very wonderful.

      • It’s not actually much of a problem… I exaggerated for comic effect. Typically if we want to run around, we tie him up and then he just makes a hell of a lot of noise yelling at us to stop it! 🙂

    2. Dear heavens… I went through 100 scenarios before I figured out what in the hell that chick is doing in the picture.

      She’s being WRAPPED UP.

      I was concerned for a minute there…

    3. What is with the dog bites this week? I’ve been chased all over the damn neighborhood this week by unruly pooches. I don’t think I was being herded, though. More like hunted.

    4. I really enjoyed the mid-week post on captivating your readers. Marketing is all about telling a really good story. I felt that the example of Johnny was a good one and often very true. If you can tell and honest story, the right way, you can get amazing results. Thanks for covering this important aspect of marketing.

    5. I really enjoy these weekly reviews you are doing. I try to come on here and read as many posts you have as possible and this weekly breakdown really helps to give me an overview on topics I really want to read about and anything new going on. Thanks Again!

    6. I just got a mention on Copyblogger!

      Thanks Mr. Truant. And thanks to Darren for letting me do another guest post.

      Perhaps a guest post on Copyblogger is now just a matter of time. Or money…


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